The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Multiuser Detection with Neural Network MAI Detector in CDMA Systems for AWGN and

Necmi Taspinar1 and Yalcin Isik2 1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineerin g, Erciyes University, Turkey 2Silifke"Tasucu Vocational School, Selcuk University , Turkey

Saritchai Predawan1, Chom Kimpan1, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai2 1Faculty of Information Technology, Rangsit Universi ty, Thailand 2National Electronics and Computer Technology Center , Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand

Design and Analysis of Array Weighted Wideband Antenna using FRFT

Rao1 and Prudhivi Mallikarjuna Rao2 1Department of ECE, Aditya Institute of Technology a nd Management, India 2Department of ECE, Andhra University College of Eng ineering, India

Using Model Driven Architecture to Develop Multi-Agent Systems

Faculty of Information Technology, University of Be nghazi, Libya