
Speech Synthesis System for the Holy Quran
This paper aims to develop a Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesis system for the holly Quran recitation, to properly
helps reciters and facilitates its use. In this work, the unit selection method is adopted and improved to reach a good speech
quality. The proposed approach consists mainly of two steps. In the first one, an Expert System (ES) module is integrated by
employing Arabic, Quran language, phonetic and phonological features. This part was considered as a preselection to
optimize the synthesis algorithm's speed. The second step is the final selection of units by minimizing a concatenation cost
function and a forward-backward dynamic programming search. The system is evaluated by native and non-native Arabic
speakers. The results show that the goal of a correct Quran recitation by respecting its reading rules was reached, with 97 %
of speech intelligibility and 72.13% of naturalness.
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