
Lean Database: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Combining Lean Thinking and Technology
The continuous improvement approach is key to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations in
their business processes. Nowadays, organizational business processes are seen through an automated function under the
umbrella of organizational information systems. The huge amount of automated business processes produces data embedded
with a part of messy data that could provide corrupt data. This study uses a lean thinking concept integrated with the data
cleaning approach to reduce the waste of data according to business requirements and to enhance continuous improvement as
part of a data defect reduction strategy. A new approach of improving and cleaning data waste is proposed by combining data
cleaning algorithm and lean thinking concepts. After testing the quality and scalability of the algorithm, along with the
evaluation of a corrupt dataset, the results showed improvement in the corrupt dataset reduction, leading to higher
organizational performance in business processes. This integration can help researchers and technologists to fully understand
and benefit from interdisciplinary capabilities while building bridges between different fields.
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