
MPKC-based Threshold Proxy Signcryption Scheme
The threshold proxy signcryption can implement signature and encryption simultaneously in one logical step, and
can be used to realize the decentralized protection of the group signature key, so it is an efficient technology for network
security. Currently, most of the existing threshold proxy signcryption schemes are designed based on the traditional public key
cryptosystems, and their security mainly depends on the difficulty of the large integer decomposition and the discrete
logarithm. However, the traditional public key cryptosystems cannot resist the quantum computer attack, which makes the
existing threshold proxy signcryption schemes based on traditional public key cryptosystems insecure against quantum attacks.
Motivated by these concerns, we proposed a threshold proxy signcryption scheme based on Multivariate Public Key
Cryptosystem (MPKC) which is one of the quantum attack-resistent public key algorithms. Under the premise of satisfying the
threshold signcryption requirements of the threshold proxy, our scheme can not only realize the flexible participation of the
proxy signcrypters but also resist the quantum computing attack. Finally, based on the assumption of Multivariate Quadratic
(MQ) problem and Isomorphism Polynomial (IP) problem, the proof of the confidentiality and the unforgeability of the
proposed scheme under the random oracle model is given.
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