
On 2-Colorability Problem for Hypergraphs with -free Incidence Graphs
A 2-coloring of a hypergraph is a mapping from its vertex set to a set of two colors such that no edge is
monochromatic. The hypergraph 2- Coloring Problem is the question whether a given hypergraph is 2-colorable. It is known
that deciding the 2-colorability of hypergraphs is NP-complete even for hypergraphs whose hyperedges have size at most 3. In
this paper, we present a polynomial time algorithm for deciding if a hypergraph, whose incidence graph is 8-free and has a
dominating set isomorphic to 8, is 2-colorable or not. This algorithm is semi generalization of the 2-colorability algorithm for
hypergraph, whose incidence graph is 7-free presented by Camby and Schaudt.
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