Incorporating Reverse Search for Friend
Recommending friends is an important mechanism for social networks to enhance their vitality and attractions to
users. The huge user base as well as the sparse user relationships give great challenges to propose friends on social networks.
Random walk is a classic strategy for recommendations, which provides a feasible solution for the above challenges. However,
most of the existing recommendation methods based on random walk are only weighing the forward search, which ignore the
significance of reverse social relationships. In this paper, we proposed a method to recommend friends by integrating reverse
search into random walk. First, we introduced the FP-Growth algorithm to construct both web graphs of social networks and
their corresponding transition probability matrix. Second, we defined the reverse search strategy to include the reverse social
influences and to collaborate with random walk for recommending friends. The proposed model both optimized the transition
probability matrix and improved the search mode to provide better recommendation performance. Experimental results on
real datasets showed that the proposed method performs better than the naive random walk method which considered the
forward search mode only.
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