
Intelligent Association Classification Technique for Phishing Website Detection
Many critical applications need more accuracy and speed in the decision making process. Data mining scholars
developed set of artificial automated tools to enhance the entire decisions based on type of application. Phishing is one of the
most critical application needs for high accuracy and speed in decision making when a malicious webpage impersonates as
legitimate webpage to acquire secret information from the user. In this paper, we proposed a new Association Classification
(AC) algorithm as an artificial automated tool to increase the accuracy level of the classification process that aims to discover
any malicious webpage. An Intelligent Association Classification (IAC) algorithm developed in this article by employing the
Harmonic Mean measure instead of the support and confidence measure to solve the estimation problem in these measures
and discovering hidden pattern not generated by the existing AC algorithms. Our algorithm compared with four well-known
AC algorithm in terms of accuracy, F1, Precision, Recall and execution time. The experiments and the visualization process
show that the IAC algorithm outperformed the others in all cases and emphasize on the importance of the general and specific
rules in the classification process.
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