
An Improved Framework for Modelling Data Warehouse Systems Using UML Profile
Data Warehouse (DW) applications provide past detail for judgment process for the companies. It is acknowledged
that these systems depend on Multidimensional (MD) modelling different from traditional database modelling. MD modelling
keeps data in the form of facts and dimensions. Some proposals have been presented to achieve the modelling of these systems,
but none of them covers the MD modelling completely. There is no any approach which considers all the major components of
MD systems. Some proposals provide their proprietary visual notations, which force the architects to gain knowledge of new
precise model. This paper describes a framework which is in the form of an extension to Unified Modelling Language (UML).
UML is worldwide known to design a variety of perspectives of software systems. Therefore, any method using the UML
reduces the endeavour of designers in understanding the novel notations. Another exceptional characteristic of the UML is
that it can be extended
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