The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


A Concept-based Sentiment Analysis Approach for Arabic

Concept-Based Sentiment Analysis (CBSA) methods are considered to be more advanced and more accurate when it compared to ordinary Sentiment Analysis methods, because it has the ability of detecting the emotions that conveyed by multi- word expressions concepts in language. This paper presented a CBSA system for Arabic language which utilizes both of machine learning approaches and concept-based sentiment lexicon. For extracting concepts from Arabic, a rule-based concept extraction algorithm called semantic parser is proposed. Different types of feature extraction and representation techniques are experimented among the building prosses of the sentiment analysis model for the presented Arabic CBSA system. A comprehensive and comparative experiments using different types of classification methods and classifier fusion models, together with different combinations of our proposed feature sets, are used to evaluate and test the presented CBSA system. The experiment results showed that the best performance for the sentiment analysis model is achieved by combined Support Vector Machine-Logistic Regression (SVM-LR) model where it obtained a F-score value of 93.23% using the Concept-Based- Features+Lexicon-Based-Features+Word2vec-Features (CBF+LEX+W2V) features combinations.

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