
Advanced Analysis of the Integrity of Access Control Policies: the Specific Case of Databases
Databases are considered as one of the most compromised assets according to 2014-2016 Verizon Data Breach
Reports. The reason is that databases are at the heart of Information Systems (IS) and store confidential business or private
records. Ensuring the integrity of sensitive records is highly required and even vital in critical systems (e-health, clouds, e-
government, big data, e-commerce, etc.,). The access control is a key mechanism for ensuring the integrity and preserving the
privacy in large scale and critical infrastructures. Nonetheless, excessive, unused and abused access privileges are identified
as most critical threats in the top ten database security threats according to 2013-2015 Imperva Application Defense Center
reports. To address this issue, we focus in this paper on the analysis of the integrity of access control policies within relational
databases. We propose a rigorous and complete solution to help security architects verifying the correspondence between the
security planning and its concrete implementation. We define a formal framework for detecting non-compliance anomalies in
concrete Role Based Access Control (RBAC) policies. We rely on an example to illustrate the relevance of our contribution.
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