Using the Improved PROMETHEE for Selection of Trustworthy Cloud Database Servers
The adoption of cloud computing transfers control of resources to cloud service providers. This transformation
gives rise to variety of security and privacy issues which results into lack of trust of Cloud Client (CC) on Cloud Service
Provider (CSP). Clients need a sense of trust on service provider in order to migrate their businesses to cloud platform. In this
paper, an attempt has been made to design an improved Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations
(PROMETHEE) method based selection technique for choosing trustworthy Cloud Database Servers (CDSs). The selection
technique utilizes multi attribute decision making approach for selecting trustworthy CDSs. The technique makes use of
benchmark parameters to evaluate selection index of trustworthy CDSs. The selection index assists CCs in choosing the
trustworthy CSPs. To demonstrate the proposed technique’s applicability to real cloud environment, a case study based
evaluation has been performed. The case study has been designed and demonstrated using real cloud data collected from
Cloud Harmony Reports. This data serves as the dataset for trust evaluation and CDS selection. The results demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed selection technique in real cloud environment.
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