
The Impact of Natural Language Preprocessing on Big Data Sentiment Analysis
The sentiment analysis determines peoples’ opinions, sentiments and emotions by classifying their written text into
positive or negative polarity. The sentiment analysis is important for many critical applications such as decision making and
products evaluation. Social networks are one of the main sources of sentiment analysis. However, the huge volume of data
produced by social networks requires efficient and scalable analysis techniques to be applied. The MapReduce proved its
efficiency and scalability in handling big data, thus attracted many researchers to use the MapReduce as a processing
framework. In this paper, a sentiment analysis method for big data is studied. The method uses the Naïve Bayes algorithm for
classifying texts into positive and negative polarity. Several linguistic and Natural Language Processing (NLP)preprocessing
techniques are applied on a Twitter data set, to study their impact on the accuracy of big data classification. The preformed
experiments indicates that the accuracy of the sentiment analysis is enhanced by 5%, yielding an accuracy of 73% on the
Stanford Sentiment data set.
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