
PLDL: A Novel Method for Label Distribution Learning
The nature, volume and orientation of data have been changed a lot in the last few years. The changed situation has
beckoned data scientists to modify traditional algorithms and innovate new methods for processing new type of high volume,
extremely complex data. One of the challenges is label ambiguity in the data, where the distribution of the significance of the
labels matters. In this paper, a new method named Probabilistic Label Distribution Learning (PLDL) has been proposed for a
computing degree of the belongingness. It is based on a proposed new Label Probability Density Function (LPDF) derived
from Parzon estimate. The LPDF has been used in Algorithm Adoption K-Nearest Neighbors (AA-KNN) for Label Distribution
Learning (LDL). Probability density estimators are used to estimate this ambiguity for each and every label. The overall
degree of the belongingness of unseen instance has been evaluated on various real datasets. Comparative performance
evaluation in terms of prediction accuracy of the proposed PLDL has been made with Algorithm adaptation KNN, Multilayer
Perceptron, Levenberg-Marquardt neural network and layer recurrent neural for Label Distribution Learning. It has been
observed that the increase in prediction accuracy for the proposed PLDL is highly statistically significant for most of the real
datasets when compared with the standard algorithms for LDL.
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