
Cyber Security Using Arabic CAPTCHA Scheme
Bots are programs that crawl through the web site and make auto registrations. CAPTCHAs, using Latin script, are
widely used to prevent automated bots from abusing online services on the World Wide Web. However, ma ny of the existing
English based CAPTCHAs have some inherent problems and cannot assure the security of these websites. This paper proposes
a method that focuses on the use of Arabic script i n the generation of CAPTCHA. The proposed scheme us es specific Arabic
font types in CAPTCHA generation. Such CAPTCHA expl oits the limitations of Arabic OCRs in reading Arabic text. The
proposed scheme is beneficial in Arabic speaking co untries and is very useful in protecting internet resources. A survey has
been conducted to find the usability of the scheme, which was satisfactory. In addition, experiments w ere carried out to find the
robustness of the scheme against OCR. The results w ere encouraging. Moreover, a comparative study of o ur CAPTCHA and
Persian CAPTCHA scheme shows its advancement over P ersian CAPTCHA.
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