
Implementing New Approach for Enhancing Performance and Throughput in
A distributed database system consists of a number of sites over a network and has a huge amount of da ta. Besides a
high number of users use these data. The lock manag er coordinates the use of database resources among distributed
transactions. Because a distributed transaction con sists of several participants to execute over sites; all participants must
guarantee that any change to data will be permanent in order to commit the transaction. Because the number of users is
increasingly growing and the data must be available all of the time, this research applied a new method for reducing the size
of lockable entities to allow several transactions to access the same database row simultaneously, the other attributes remain
available to other users if needed. It is possible to do that by increasing the granularity hierarchy tree one more level down at
the attributes. The experimental results proved tha t using attribute level locking will increase the throughput and enhance the
system performance.
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