
Arabic Quran Verses Authentication Using Deep Learning and Word Embeddings
Nowadays, with the developments witnessed by the Internet, algorithms have come to control all aspects of digital
content. Due to its Arabic roots, it is ironic to find that Arabic Quranic content is still thirsty to benefit from computer
linguistics, especially with the advent of artificial intelligence algorithms. The massive spread of Islamic-typed websites and
applications has led to a widespread of digital Quranic content. Unfortunately, such content lacks censorship and can rarely
match resourcefulness. It is quite difficult, especially for a non-native speaker of the Arabic language, to distinguish and
authenticate the provided Quranic verses from the non-Quranic Arabic texts. Text processing techniques classified outside the
field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) give less qualified results, especially with Arabic texts. To address this problem,
we propose to explore Word Embeddings (WE) with Deep Learning (DL) techniques to identify Quranic verses in Arabic
textual content. The proposed work is evaluated using twelve different word embeddings models with two popular classifiers
for binary classification, namely: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). The
experimental results showed the superiority of the proposed approach over traditional methods in distinguishing between the
Quranic verses and the Arabic text with an accuracy of 98.33%.
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