
Effective and Efficient Utility Mining Technique for
Traditional association rule mining, which is based on frequency values of items, cannot meet the demands of
different factors in real world applications. Thus utility mining is presented to consider additional measures, such as profit or
price according to user preference. Although several algorithms were proposed for mining high utility itemsets, they incur the
problem of producing large number of candidate itemsets, results in performance degradation in terms of execution time and
space requirement. On the other hand when the data come intermittently, the incremental and interactive data mining
approach needs to be processed to reduce unnecessary calculations by using previous data structures and mining results. In
this paper, an incremental mining algorithm for efficiently mining high utility itemsets is proposed to handle the above
situation. It is based on the concept of Utility Pattern Growth (UP-Growth) for mining high utility itemsets with a set of
effective strategies for pruning candidate itemsets and Fast Update (FUP) approach, which first partitions itemsets into four
parts according to whether they are high-transaction weighted utilization items in the original and newly inserted transactions.
Experimental results show that the proposed Fast Update Utility Pattern Tree (FUUP) approach can thus achieve a good
trade between execution time and tree complexity.
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