
Progressive Visual Cryptography with Friendly and Size Invariant Shares
Visual cryptography is an important data encoding method, where a secret image is encoded into n pieces of noise-
like shares. As long as there are over k shares stacked out of n shares, the secret image can be directly decoded by the human
naked eye; this cannot be done if less than k shares are available. This is called the (k, n)-threshold Visual Secret Sharing
Scheme (VSS). Progressive Visual Cryptography (PVC) differs from the traditional VSS, in that the hidden image is gradually
decoded by superimposing two or more shares. As more and more shares are stacked, the outline of the hidden image becomes
clearer. In this study, we develop an image sharing method based on the theory of PVC, which utilizes meaningful non-
expanded shares. Using four elementary matrices (C0-C3) as the building blocks, our dispatching matrices (M0- M3) are
designed to be expandable so that the contrast in both the shares and the restored image can be adjusted based on user needs.
In addition, the recovered pixels in the black region of the secret image are guaranteed to be black, which improves the
display quality of the restored image. The image content can thus be displayed more clearly than that by previous methods.
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