
Google N-Gram Viewer does not Include Arabic Corpus! Towards N-Gram Viewer for Arabic
Google N-gram viewer is one of those newly published Google services. Google archived or digitized a large
number of books in different languages. Google populated the corpora from over 5 million books published up to 2008. This
Google service allows users to enter queries of words. The tool then charts time-based data that show the frequency of usage
of query words. Although Arabic is one of the top spoken language in the world, Arabic language is not included as one of the
corpora indexed by the Google n-gram viewer. This research work discusses the development of large Arabic corpus and
indexing it using N-grams to be included in Google N-gram viewer. A showcase is presented to build a dataset to initiate the
process of digitizing the Arabic content and prepare it to be incorporated in Google N-gram viewer. One of the major goals of
including Arabic content in Google N-gram is to enrich Arabic public content, which has been very limited in comparison with
the number of people who speak Arabic. We believe that adopting Arabic language by Google N-gram viewer can significantly
benefit researchers in different fields related to Arabic language and social sciences.
173,600,000 Words Type of contents Books, newspaper, reports, Academic Theses Books, Academic Theses Largely from Egyptian newspapers, some pre modern, modern and nonfiction books Contents language Arabic Arabic and English Arabic Searchable Yes Yes Yes Search speed Fast Fast Slow Statistics available Yes, Readymade No No Unfortunately, the currently available Arabic corpora do not contain N-gram based indexers for customized Google N-Gram Viewer does not Include Arabic Corpus! Towards N-Gram Viewer for Arabic Corpus 789 search queries. They may only contain simple string search based on single keywords. However, such search is not meant for researchers in data mining or machine learning. Unlike public library researchers who are looking for particular information in one or more books, linguistic data miners are looking for aggregated words and results based on rich or complex queries. The dataset built in this research work that contains around 3000 Books written in Arabic language and are available online. The books have been collected from the following Arabic electronic libraries websites: http://www.alwaraq.net, http://www.arab-book.com/ebook/, http://www.aljlees.com/, http://abooks.tipsclub.com/, http://www.arabicebook.com/, http://4kitab.com/, http://arablib.com/, http://www.wdl.org/ar/, http://al- mostafa.com, http://www.almeshkat.net, http://arabicorpus.byu.edu and http://www.irtipms.org. The books format is either PDF or Word as they are the two popular formats used to save text files on the web. For each one of these type formats, special stream readers are developed to make sure that Arabic text is completely parsed correctly. For books in PDF format, several open source PDF parsing public libraries such as: ItextSharp, PDFBox, IKVM are used as they are available freely on the web. The main application is developed using C# and .NET technology as the authors are expert in it. Books may also include irrelevant text in the cover pages, e.g., logos, which may need to be removed. Special characters that are not Arabic letters or numbers should be also removed. A list of stop words and characters is compiled to be eliminated from the parsed text. Nonetheless Ngram based index and retrieval is typically immune to stemming stop words where research showed that stemming stop words in N-gram based language processing can have a little impact. 4.2. Data Pre-Processing Several pre-processing activities are necessary to properly store the content of the collected books. Typically this may include: Text parsing, stemming, tokenizing, filtering and eliminating noise data. The following activities are executed in order for each new Arabic-book to be added to the library: OCR stage. This is particularly for scanned books that are in PDF, or any other image, format. Arabic books to be scanned and indexed may exist in different formats. These include hard copies, or manuscripts. These also include soft copies of: Acrobat PDF, Word documents, images and texts. In principle, each type of these formats requires different initial preprocessing activities. For example, hard copies and manuscripts should be scanned first. Based on the OCR type and process, scanned books or materials can be converted to: Image, Acrobat, text or rich text files. Text Parsing. Text from scanned books should be parsed word by word. Lucene open source library information system is used
[26]. The package includes components to perform the different processes such as parsing, stemming and tokenization. Typically, the process of stemming includes finding the roots for words. However, in this N-gram collection, words will be stemmed into their N-grams. Following Google approach, we will stem words based on word N-grams. For example a three- gram directory will include stored text in the index based on the occurrence and repetition of three-words batches. Moreover, we have evaluated our work using other indexers such as: RavenDB and algorithms described in Huston et al.
[11] paper to efficiently find repeated N-grams in a corpus. Meta data. In addition to the content of the corpus, the index system collects Meta data related to the content and the process. These include: Book title, author(s), year(s) of writing, publisher, publication year and number of pages. Not all these information may be necessarily retrieved with search query results. However, they may be used for customized queries or reports. These two major processes are required to include new books or content to the corpus. Other language processing activities are required when performing users query search. 4.3. Data Indexing Indexing is the process of converting text data into a format that facilitates rapid searching
[27]. The performance and accuracy of retrieved query results depend largely on the quality of the Indexer module. Typical to traditional library indexes, the electronic library index stores, in one or more files, pointers to the actual data in the documents or books dataset. These pointers can be letters, words, or terms of several words. Indexers built originally for other languages, especially Latin languages, need to be customized to accommodate features unique in Arabic language such as those mentioned previously. Lucene open source indexer includes several indexing algorithms, from which we can specifically use inverted tree and N-gram indexing algorithms (discussed in section 4.3.1. and 4.3.2.), accordingly we decided to use Lucene indexer to complete data indexing. The overall data flow activities that occur in Lucene search and indexing system includes three major tasks: Data indexing, searching and results retrieval and then display results. Prefix and Suffix trees are also used to store data index. The goal is to be able to store and retrieve queries from that data in quick and reliable manners. In principle, the structure of the tree depends on having 790 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2018 letters in nodes at the different levels to point to the actual words in the leaves. Documents or books are stored in the index as objects. In section 5.3., we evaluate the developed system s performance and accuracy which includes evaluating the developed index. The index should further allow users to perform different customized search queries in comparison with simple string searches. Due to the fact that many words have common sub parts or terms, the indexer does not need to store all dataset content word by word. Encoding and compression can be also used to reduce index size and optimize storage
[27]. 4.3.1. Inverted Index Binary or Balanced trees (B-tree) or hash tables can be used to store or build indexes. They can be also utilized to optimize index tree size
[1, 2]. The inverted index tree contains list of words and their occurrences or locations in documents. Figure 3 illustrates the pseudo code for the developed inverted index. For each document d in the collection { For each term t in document d { Find term t in the term dictionary If term t exists, add a node to its posting list Otherwise, Add term t to the term dictionary Add a node to the posting list }} After all documents have been processed, write the inverted index to disk Figure 3. Pseudo code for the developed inverted index. Figure 4 shows a simple example or a snapshot of the content of an inverted tree index. Words and N- grams are sorted in the index, with number and location of occurrences in corpus documents. Figure 4. A simple example of Inverted tree content. 4.3.2. N-Gram Index N-gram can be used for queries, information retrieval and text mining activities. N-grams of (2 Bi-grams, 3-grams, 4-grams, etc.,) can be applied for either letters or words. Major goal of N-gram based indexing and search is to get fast search results as you type the query. N-gram can be used for letters or for words. Google N-gram indexing uses grams of: 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. N-gram can be also classified within inverted index types. The difference is that typically words are indexed while in N-gram indexing grams of words or letters are the roots for the indexing process. 4.3.3. Document Term Index This index can simply index words or terms, their frequency and occurrences. We noticed that Google N- gram viewer focuses on indexing words, their frequency and location along with the data attributes. A Vector Space Model (VSM) is developed to match between terms and documents. Values in this model represent the frequency of the terms in the document. 5. Experiments and Analysis In the previous section we have discussed the development of a system to perform the tasks described earlier: Arabic books dataset collection, and pre- processing, building a library or directory index, building an application including a user interface to perform simple and complex query search. Further the application includes generic and customized statistical reports. The implications of the results presented in this section showed that Arabic, is not different from other languages already indexed in Google N-gram data-set and that given the collection of Arabic contents specially from the large number of books, it is possible for Google to add a large and rich data-set representing Arabic language and content. The 3000 books collected in our experiment are transformed correctly with the right encoding. Retrieved results from the search index include fields generic or specified by searcher. For example, Figure 5 shows for each document that contains the query: Number of pages/occurrences, matching score to the query, document ID and location. (The developed program shown in Figure 6 is developed for testing our system only; the design of actual system should imitate Google N-gram viewer architecture). The score column represents the matching score which is calculated with a value between 1 (perfect match) and zero (no match). The retrieved results represent the top search results based on the matching score. Google N-Gram Viewer does not Include Arabic Corpus! Towards N-Gram Viewer for Arabic Corpus 791 Figure 5. Examples of retrieved results. When Lucene library calculates the score; it finds each individual score for term hits within field contents and gets their total. If the highest ranked hit has a total greater than 1, all of the document scores are re-normalized to be between 0 and 1, with the highest ranked document having a score of 1. On the other hand, if no document's total was greater than 1, no normalization occurs and the scores are returned as-is. This justifies why the matching score of the same document may vary (i.e., due to the normalization process). The similarity score value is calculated by Lucene search and indexing library, using inverted index algorithm. Such similarity is calculated based on the percentage of the match between query and retrieved results. Such score value needs extensive evaluation and investigation in future. Typically when adding a new document or book to Lucene index certain Meta data should be added during the insertion process. A typical code to do this may look like the following: Figure 6. Part of the developed program. After defining a new document to be added to the index, lines of Meta data can be added once at a time. As mentioned earlier this may include: File name, book name, ID, insertion date and publication date. File name can typically be different than Book name as collected books have logical file names that are not necessary the same as the book title. Some of these Meta data are related to the insertion process while others are related to the document or the book. The line (Treader = new Filter Reader (file Name Source);) includes defining a reader for the book. We used different parsing libraries to read book files based on their text format and type (e.g., .pdf, .doc, .txt, etc.,). We also used special libraries to be able to read or encode Arabic text. Note also that some fields can be used in the indexes and others cannot. Certain attributes such as the book title can be used to index data. Usually such selection depends on the uniqueness of the attribute vales along with some other selection criteria. This can be user defined based on what kind of queries to optimize. This line will then be called in a loop to go through the document, word by word and each word can be then inserted in the inverted index. Frequency field represents the number of times the term exists in the document. The above index pseudo code adopts inverted index algorithm that is presented as part of Lucene libraries. The following line shows that the subject word is to be indexed in the index. As mentioned earlier, this is users defined based on what should be indexed or not. NGramTokenizer class should be called first to stem or parse each document into N-grams. The same indexing process can be repeated for the search or the query. It is usually better to use the same indexing approach for data indexing and search or query. document. add(new Field( ngram , ngram, Field. Store. YES, Field. Index. ANALYZED)); The process to perform query search includes the following steps: 1. Call indexer to the memory (read only). 2. Call query reader to read query and prepare it for the search process. 3. Call index searcher class to carry query to the search index. 4. Retrieve results and present them to the user properly. For queries with more than one word, an algorithm should be defined to rank retrieved matches. In our experiments, the following is used: 1. First retrieve documents that contain all the words occurring together in the same sequence as the query. 2. Second retrieve documents that contain maximum number of words in the same sentence. 3. Third retrieve documents that contain all the words but not necessary in the same sentence or sequence. 4. Last, retrieve documents that contain at least one or two of the query words. However, this may not always be called if retrieved result is large. N-gram indexing gives then more preference to the same sequence of words as in the query. This is especially true if query size is less than the N-gram size. For N-gram search, frequency of occurrences can be used also in Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(new Field("path", f.FullName, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.Add(new Field("id",id.ToString(System- .Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), doc.Add(new Field("modified", DateTools.TimeToString(f.LastWriteTime- .Millisecond, DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); Treader = new FilterReader(fileNameSource); NumericField frequencyField = new NumericField("frequency", Field.Store.YES, true); doc.Add(new Field("contents", Treader, Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.ANALYZED)); 792 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2018 ranking the retrieved results. For example, an N-gram with 200 frequencies should get a higher score than an N-gram with 100 frequencies. Indexers or lexicons are stored in memory. Size of the indexer can be changed based on the indexing algorithm. Such size may have direct impact on performance or speed of query retrieval. To build an N-gram-based indexer, we followed the steps described in
[6] and shown in Figure 7. 5.1. Arabic OCR A good percentage of Arabic books available online is in an image PDF format. This format is not easily readable by IR systems. We used several libraries for OCR in Arabic such as Tesseract. However, we noticed that most evaluated OCRs for Arabic have some issues with both accuracy and performance. Figure 7. General N-gram index construction process
[6]. 5.2. Reports As part of our developed library system, users can utilize online queries (i.e., real time queries) for top letters and words. Inspired by Google N-gram, Top 10 grams for letters and words can be retrieved (see Figure 8). This includes grams of words and letters from 1 to 5. Figure 8. Arabic library reports. General reports include statistics related to attributes collected about books. This includes reports related to Books: Authors, years of writing, years of publications, and possibly subjects classifications. Customized reports include similar information to that of general reports with the exception that users can define report elements (e.g., search for authors from a specific period, authors, book and titles. with searched for keywords, etc.,). This reporting system is evaluated in our developed library system although Google N-gram Viewer is not including such option. 5.3. System Evaluation Although the collected set of books forms a small sample to make a general evaluation for aspects such as: performance, the system is evaluated for performance and accuracy based on the collected set to give indications of the quality of the developed system. Focus was given to complex queries (i.e. queries that include more than one word). This is because almost all of the evaluated Arabic online libraries were missing the ability to conduct complex query search. Table 2 below shows evaluated search queries with number of retrieved results and processing time. Accuracy evaluation is conducted manually to compare retrieved results with actual files or books. Search results retrieval can be compared or evaluated from different perspectives. The first perspective is accuracy of retrieved results. Perfect accuracy of the indexer means that the indexer should firstly: retrieve search terms positively, where all retrieved terms correctly exist in the dataset and in the right retrieved location. Secondly: it should not miss any word that is supposed to be retrieved. We conducted this accuracy evaluation manually on a small scale size of the dataset since doing this for a large dataset can be time consuming. Accuracy evaluation showed that system accurately can index and retrieve text without significant problems. The second accuracy measure related to the query, which is measured by Lucene library index, is the similarity index. This similarity index is a measure between searched for queries and retrieved results. We also evaluated this library value on a small dataset manually and results showed to be always correct. The last metric of measurement for the quality of the indexing process is performance. The performance is measured by calculating the time it takes to retrieve results (see Table 2). The experiments showed that indexing and retrieval time is fast which is expected for a mature indexer such as Lucene. However, we acknowledge that we still have a relatively small size dataset. Hence such values need to be re-evaluated for a dataset that includes a larger number of Arabic Books. function ConstructIndexSimple(D, nmin, nmax, t): for n from nmin to nmax: for d from 1 to |D|: for I from 1 to |Dd|: s Dd
[i..i + n-1] Add d to P(s) for each s where |s| = n and |P(s)| > 0: Q(s) P (S ) over substring S of S in L if | Q(s) | - P(S) t Discard P(s) else L L {S} return {L, P} Google N-Gram Viewer does not Include Arabic Corpus! Towards N-Gram Viewer for Arabic Corpus 793 Table 2. Search queries evaluation. Query Retrieved results Processing time (ms) Query Retrieved results Processing time (ms) 1177 53 1029 140 374 123 792 94 226 77 477 193 124 61 1192 236 269 128 1019 250 227 178 384 603 6. Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we have illustrated that Arabic language can be easily incorporated in Google N- Gram viewer that includes a large number of books of different languages (which is currently excluding Arabic). A major goal is to disseminate Arabic content, especially the large amount of ancient books, making them publically available for researchers in different fields. A dataset of Arabic books is assembled. Open source Lucene indexer and information retrieval system is used. Indexing and retrieval processes are evaluated using the collected dataset of 3000 Arabic books. Evaluation includes evaluating performance of the indexing and retrieval processes. It also includes manual verification for the correctness of some selected search queries. In future and to reach a large significant size of collected Arabic books similar to the size archived by Google for English and other languages, we should include more electronic versions of Arabic books. For the many Arabic books that have no electronic versions we need to scan them suing OCR tools then index them as discussed in this research. More work to validate the new corpus and its performance is also needed. References
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[26]. The package includes components to perform the different processes such as parsing, stemming and tokenization. Typically, the process of stemming includes finding the roots for words. However, in this N-gram collection, words will be stemmed into their N-grams. Following Google approach, we will stem words based on word N-grams. For example a three- gram directory will include stored text in the index based on the occurrence and repetition of three-words batches. Moreover, we have evaluated our work using other indexers such as: RavenDB and algorithms described in Huston et al.
[11] paper to efficiently find repeated N-grams in a corpus. Meta data. In addition to the content of the corpus, the index system collects Meta data related to the content and the process. These include: Book title, author(s), year(s) of writing, publisher, publication year and number of pages. Not all these information may be necessarily retrieved with search query results. However, they may be used for customized queries or reports. These two major processes are required to include new books or content to the corpus. Other language processing activities are required when performing users query search. 4.3. Data Indexing Indexing is the process of converting text data into a format that facilitates rapid searching
[27]. The performance and accuracy of retrieved query results depend largely on the quality of the Indexer module. Typical to traditional library indexes, the electronic library index stores, in one or more files, pointers to the actual data in the documents or books dataset. These pointers can be letters, words, or terms of several words. Indexers built originally for other languages, especially Latin languages, need to be customized to accommodate features unique in Arabic language such as those mentioned previously. Lucene open source indexer includes several indexing algorithms, from which we can specifically use inverted tree and N-gram indexing algorithms (discussed in section 4.3.1. and 4.3.2.), accordingly we decided to use Lucene indexer to complete data indexing. The overall data flow activities that occur in Lucene search and indexing system includes three major tasks: Data indexing, searching and results retrieval and then display results. Prefix and Suffix trees are also used to store data index. The goal is to be able to store and retrieve queries from that data in quick and reliable manners. In principle, the structure of the tree depends on having 790 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2018 letters in nodes at the different levels to point to the actual words in the leaves. Documents or books are stored in the index as objects. In section 5.3., we evaluate the developed system s performance and accuracy which includes evaluating the developed index. The index should further allow users to perform different customized search queries in comparison with simple string searches. Due to the fact that many words have common sub parts or terms, the indexer does not need to store all dataset content word by word. Encoding and compression can be also used to reduce index size and optimize storage
[27]. 4.3.1. Inverted Index Binary or Balanced trees (B-tree) or hash tables can be used to store or build indexes. They can be also utilized to optimize index tree size
[1, 2]. The inverted index tree contains list of words and their occurrences or locations in documents. Figure 3 illustrates the pseudo code for the developed inverted index. For each document d in the collection { For each term t in document d { Find term t in the term dictionary If term t exists, add a node to its posting list Otherwise, Add term t to the term dictionary Add a node to the posting list }} After all documents have been processed, write the inverted index to disk Figure 3. Pseudo code for the developed inverted index. Figure 4 shows a simple example or a snapshot of the content of an inverted tree index. Words and N- grams are sorted in the index, with number and location of occurrences in corpus documents. Figure 4. A simple example of Inverted tree content. 4.3.2. N-Gram Index N-gram can be used for queries, information retrieval and text mining activities. N-grams of (2 Bi-grams, 3-grams, 4-grams, etc.,) can be applied for either letters or words. Major goal of N-gram based indexing and search is to get fast search results as you type the query. N-gram can be used for letters or for words. Google N-gram indexing uses grams of: 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. N-gram can be also classified within inverted index types. The difference is that typically words are indexed while in N-gram indexing grams of words or letters are the roots for the indexing process. 4.3.3. Document Term Index This index can simply index words or terms, their frequency and occurrences. We noticed that Google N- gram viewer focuses on indexing words, their frequency and location along with the data attributes. A Vector Space Model (VSM) is developed to match between terms and documents. Values in this model represent the frequency of the terms in the document. 5. Experiments and Analysis In the previous section we have discussed the development of a system to perform the tasks described earlier: Arabic books dataset collection, and pre- processing, building a library or directory index, building an application including a user interface to perform simple and complex query search. Further the application includes generic and customized statistical reports. The implications of the results presented in this section showed that Arabic, is not different from other languages already indexed in Google N-gram data-set and that given the collection of Arabic contents specially from the large number of books, it is possible for Google to add a large and rich data-set representing Arabic language and content. The 3000 books collected in our experiment are transformed correctly with the right encoding. Retrieved results from the search index include fields generic or specified by searcher. For example, Figure 5 shows for each document that contains the query: Number of pages/occurrences, matching score to the query, document ID and location. (The developed program shown in Figure 6 is developed for testing our system only; the design of actual system should imitate Google N-gram viewer architecture). The score column represents the matching score which is calculated with a value between 1 (perfect match) and zero (no match). The retrieved results represent the top search results based on the matching score. Google N-Gram Viewer does not Include Arabic Corpus! Towards N-Gram Viewer for Arabic Corpus 791 Figure 5. Examples of retrieved results. When Lucene library calculates the score; it finds each individual score for term hits within field contents and gets their total. If the highest ranked hit has a total greater than 1, all of the document scores are re-normalized to be between 0 and 1, with the highest ranked document having a score of 1. On the other hand, if no document's total was greater than 1, no normalization occurs and the scores are returned as-is. This justifies why the matching score of the same document may vary (i.e., due to the normalization process). The similarity score value is calculated by Lucene search and indexing library, using inverted index algorithm. Such similarity is calculated based on the percentage of the match between query and retrieved results. Such score value needs extensive evaluation and investigation in future. Typically when adding a new document or book to Lucene index certain Meta data should be added during the insertion process. A typical code to do this may look like the following: Figure 6. Part of the developed program. After defining a new document to be added to the index, lines of Meta data can be added once at a time. As mentioned earlier this may include: File name, book name, ID, insertion date and publication date. File name can typically be different than Book name as collected books have logical file names that are not necessary the same as the book title. Some of these Meta data are related to the insertion process while others are related to the document or the book. The line (Treader = new Filter Reader (file Name Source);) includes defining a reader for the book. We used different parsing libraries to read book files based on their text format and type (e.g., .pdf, .doc, .txt, etc.,). We also used special libraries to be able to read or encode Arabic text. Note also that some fields can be used in the indexes and others cannot. Certain attributes such as the book title can be used to index data. Usually such selection depends on the uniqueness of the attribute vales along with some other selection criteria. This can be user defined based on what kind of queries to optimize. This line will then be called in a loop to go through the document, word by word and each word can be then inserted in the inverted index. Frequency field represents the number of times the term exists in the document. The above index pseudo code adopts inverted index algorithm that is presented as part of Lucene libraries. The following line shows that the subject word is to be indexed in the index. As mentioned earlier, this is users defined based on what should be indexed or not. NGramTokenizer class should be called first to stem or parse each document into N-grams. The same indexing process can be repeated for the search or the query. It is usually better to use the same indexing approach for data indexing and search or query. document. add(new Field( ngram , ngram, Field. Store. YES, Field. Index. ANALYZED)); The process to perform query search includes the following steps: 1. Call indexer to the memory (read only). 2. Call query reader to read query and prepare it for the search process. 3. Call index searcher class to carry query to the search index. 4. Retrieve results and present them to the user properly. For queries with more than one word, an algorithm should be defined to rank retrieved matches. In our experiments, the following is used: 1. First retrieve documents that contain all the words occurring together in the same sequence as the query. 2. Second retrieve documents that contain maximum number of words in the same sentence. 3. Third retrieve documents that contain all the words but not necessary in the same sentence or sequence. 4. Last, retrieve documents that contain at least one or two of the query words. However, this may not always be called if retrieved result is large. N-gram indexing gives then more preference to the same sequence of words as in the query. This is especially true if query size is less than the N-gram size. For N-gram search, frequency of occurrences can be used also in Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(new Field("path", f.FullName, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); doc.Add(new Field("id",id.ToString(System- .Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), doc.Add(new Field("modified", DateTools.TimeToString(f.LastWriteTime- .Millisecond, DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); Treader = new FilterReader(fileNameSource); NumericField frequencyField = new NumericField("frequency", Field.Store.YES, true); doc.Add(new Field("contents", Treader, Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.ANALYZED)); 792 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2018 ranking the retrieved results. For example, an N-gram with 200 frequencies should get a higher score than an N-gram with 100 frequencies. Indexers or lexicons are stored in memory. Size of the indexer can be changed based on the indexing algorithm. Such size may have direct impact on performance or speed of query retrieval. To build an N-gram-based indexer, we followed the steps described in
[6] and shown in Figure 7. 5.1. Arabic OCR A good percentage of Arabic books available online is in an image PDF format. This format is not easily readable by IR systems. We used several libraries for OCR in Arabic such as Tesseract. However, we noticed that most evaluated OCRs for Arabic have some issues with both accuracy and performance. Figure 7. General N-gram index construction process
[6]. 5.2. Reports As part of our developed library system, users can utilize online queries (i.e., real time queries) for top letters and words. Inspired by Google N-gram, Top 10 grams for letters and words can be retrieved (see Figure 8). This includes grams of words and letters from 1 to 5. Figure 8. Arabic library reports. General reports include statistics related to attributes collected about books. This includes reports related to Books: Authors, years of writing, years of publications, and possibly subjects classifications. Customized reports include similar information to that of general reports with the exception that users can define report elements (e.g., search for authors from a specific period, authors, book and titles. with searched for keywords, etc.,). This reporting system is evaluated in our developed library system although Google N-gram Viewer is not including such option. 5.3. System Evaluation Although the collected set of books forms a small sample to make a general evaluation for aspects such as: performance, the system is evaluated for performance and accuracy based on the collected set to give indications of the quality of the developed system. Focus was given to complex queries (i.e. queries that include more than one word). This is because almost all of the evaluated Arabic online libraries were missing the ability to conduct complex query search. Table 2 below shows evaluated search queries with number of retrieved results and processing time. Accuracy evaluation is conducted manually to compare retrieved results with actual files or books. Search results retrieval can be compared or evaluated from different perspectives. The first perspective is accuracy of retrieved results. Perfect accuracy of the indexer means that the indexer should firstly: retrieve search terms positively, where all retrieved terms correctly exist in the dataset and in the right retrieved location. Secondly: it should not miss any word that is supposed to be retrieved. We conducted this accuracy evaluation manually on a small scale size of the dataset since doing this for a large dataset can be time consuming. Accuracy evaluation showed that system accurately can index and retrieve text without significant problems. The second accuracy measure related to the query, which is measured by Lucene library index, is the similarity index. This similarity index is a measure between searched for queries and retrieved results. We also evaluated this library value on a small dataset manually and results showed to be always correct. The last metric of measurement for the quality of the indexing process is performance. The performance is measured by calculating the time it takes to retrieve results (see Table 2). The experiments showed that indexing and retrieval time is fast which is expected for a mature indexer such as Lucene. However, we acknowledge that we still have a relatively small size dataset. Hence such values need to be re-evaluated for a dataset that includes a larger number of Arabic Books. function ConstructIndexSimple(D, nmin, nmax, t): for n from nmin to nmax: for d from 1 to |D|: for I from 1 to |Dd|: s Dd
[i..i + n-1] Add d to P(s) for each s where |s| = n and |P(s)| > 0: Q(s) P (S ) over substring S of S in L if | Q(s) | - P(S) t Discard P(s) else L L {S} return {L, P} Google N-Gram Viewer does not Include Arabic Corpus! Towards N-Gram Viewer for Arabic Corpus 793 Table 2. Search queries evaluation. Query Retrieved results Processing time (ms) Query Retrieved results Processing time (ms) 1177 53 1029 140 374 123 792 94 226 77 477 193 124 61 1192 236 269 128 1019 250 227 178 384 603 6. Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we have illustrated that Arabic language can be easily incorporated in Google N- Gram viewer that includes a large number of books of different languages (which is currently excluding Arabic). A major goal is to disseminate Arabic content, especially the large amount of ancient books, making them publically available for researchers in different fields. A dataset of Arabic books is assembled. Open source Lucene indexer and information retrieval system is used. Indexing and retrieval processes are evaluated using the collected dataset of 3000 Arabic books. Evaluation includes evaluating performance of the indexing and retrieval processes. It also includes manual verification for the correctness of some selected search queries. In future and to reach a large significant size of collected Arabic books similar to the size archived by Google for English and other languages, we should include more electronic versions of Arabic books. For the many Arabic books that have no electronic versions we need to scan them suing OCR tools then index them as discussed in this research. More work to validate the new corpus and its performance is also needed. References
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