
Dictionary Based Arabic Text Compression and Encryption Utilizing Two-Dimensional Random
This paper developed Arabic text encryption and compression based on dictionary indexing algorithm. The proposed
algorithm includes encoding the Arabic text utilizing Arabic words dictionary, mapping encoded binary stream to a two-
dimensional binary matrix, utilizing randomized variable size encryption key, applying randomly binary shuffling functions on
the two-dimensional matrix, and mapping back the two-dimensional binary matrix into a sequential binary stream. The
decryption algorithm at the receiver side implements the encryption steps reversely, utilizing the encryption key and the shared
Arabic word dictionary. In this dictionary, the words of the formal Arabic language are classified into four categories according
to the word length and sorted alphabetically. Each dictionary category is given an index size that is large enough to fit all words
in that category. The proposed algorithm shuffles adjacent bits away from each other in random fashion through utilizing
randomized variable length encryption key, two-dimensional shuffling functions, and repetition loop. Moreover, the index size
is selected not to be multiple bytes to destroy any statistical feature that may be utilized to break the algorithm. The proposed
algorithm analysis concluded that it could be broken after 3.215∗109 years. Moreover, the proposed algorithm achieved a less
than 30% compression ratio.
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