
Human Activity Recognition Based on Transfer
A Gait History Image (GHI) is a spatial template that accumulates regions of motion into a single image in which
moving pixels are brighter than others. A new descriptor named Time-Sliced Averaged Gradient Boundary Magnitude
(TAGBM) is also designed to show the time variations of motion. The spatial and temporal information of each video can be
condensed using these templates. Based on this opinion, a new method is proposed in this paper. Each video is split into N and
M groups of consecutive frames, and the GHI and TAGBM are computed for each group, resulting spatial and temporal
templates. Transfer learning with the fine-tuning technique has been used for classifying these templates. This proposed
method achieves the recognition accuracies of 96.50%, 92.30% and 97.12% for KTH, UCF Sport and UCF-11 action datasets,
respectively. Also it is compared with state-of-the-art approaches and the results show that the proposed method has the best
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