
Constraint-Based Sequential Pattern Mining: A Pattern Growth Algorithm Incorporating
Sequential pattern mining is advantageous for seve ral applications. For example, it finds out the sequential
purchasing behavior of majority customers from a la rge number of customer transactions. However, the e xisting researches in
the field of discovering sequential patterns are ba sed on the concept of frequency and presume that th e customer purchasing
behavior sequences do not fluctuate with change in time, purchasing cost and other parameters. To accl imate the sequential
patterns to these changes, constraint are integrate d with the traditional sequential pattern mining ap proach. It is possible to
discover more user)centered patterns by integrating certain constraints with the sequential mining process. Thus in this paper,
monetary and compactness constraints in addition to frequency and length are included in the sequential mining process for
discovering pertinent sequential patterns from sequ ential databases. Also, a CFML)PrefixSpan algorithm is proposed by
integrating these constraints with the original Pre fixSpan algorithm, which allows discovering all CFM L sequential patterns
from the sequential database. The proposed CFML)Pre fixSpan algorithm has been validated on synthetic sequential
databases. The experimental results ensure that the efficacy of the sequential pattern mining process is further enhanced in
view of the fact that the purchasing cost, time dur ation and length are integrated with the sequential pattern mining process.
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