
An Improved Clustering Algorithm for Text
Thanks to advances in information and communication technologies, there is a prominent increase in the amount of
information produced specifically in the form of te xt documents. In order to, effectively deal with this “information explosion”
problem and utilize the huge amount of text databas es, efficient and scalable tools and techniques are indispensable. In this
study, text clustering which is one of the most imp ortant techniques of text mining that aims at extra cting useful information by
processing data in textual form is addressed. An im proved variant of spherical K-Means (SKM) algorithm named multi-cluster
SKM is developed for clustering high dimensional do cument collections with high performance and efficiency. Experiments
were performed on several document data sets and it is shown that the new algorithm provides significant increase in
clustering quality without causing considerable dif ference in CPU time usage when compared to SKM algo rithm.
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