
The International Arab Journal of Information Techn ology, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 2015
Arabic language is one of the most widely spoken l anguages. This language has a complex morphological structure
and is considered as one of the most prolific langu ages in terms of article linguistic. Therefore, Arabic Information Retrieval
(AIR) models need specific techniques to deal with this complex morphological structure. This paper ai ms to develop an
integrate AIR frameworks. It lists and analysis the different Information Retrieval (IR) methods and t echniques such as query
processing, stemming and indexing which are used in AIR systems. We conclude that AIR frameworks have a weakness to deal
with semantic in term of indexing, Boolean model, L atent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Latent Semantic Inde x (LSI) and semantic
ranking. Therefore, semantic Boolean IR framework i s proposed in this paper. This model is implemented and the precision,
recall and run time are measured and compared with the traditional IR model.
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