
Kernel Logistic Regression Algorithm for Large Scale Data Classification
Kernel Logistic Regression (KLR) is a powerful clas sification technique that has been applied successfully in many
classification problems. However, it is often not f ound in large+scale data classification problems an d this is mainly because it
is computationally expensive. In this paper, we pre sent a new KLR algorithm based on Truncated Regular ized Iteratively Re+
weighted Least Squares(TR+IRLS) algorithm to obtain sparse large+scale data classification in short evolution time. This new
algorithm is called Nystrom Truncated Kernel Logist ic Regression (NTR+KLR). The performance achieved u sing NTR+KLR
algorithm is comparable to that of Support Vector M achines (SVMs) methods. The advantage is NTR+KLR ca n yield
probabilistic outputs and its extension to the mult i class case is well defined. In addition, its computational complexity is lower
than that of SVMs methods and it is easy to impleme nt.
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