
A Qualitative Approach to the Identification, Visualisation and Interpretation of Repetitive
Discovering repetitive patterns is important in a w ide range of research areas, such as bioinformatics and human
movement analysis. This study puts forward a new me thodology to identify, visualise and interpret repetitive motion patterns
in groups of Moving Point Objects (MPOs). The metho dology consists of three steps. First, motion patterns are qualitatively
described using the Qualitative Trajectory Calculus (QTC). Second, a similarity analysis is conducted to compare motion
patterns and identify repetitive patterns. Third, r epetitive motion patterns are represented and inter preted in a continuous
triangular model. As an illustration of the usefuln ess of combining these hitherto separated methods, a specific movement case
is examined: Samba dance, a rhythmical dance with m any repetitive movements. The results show that the presented
methodology is able to successfully identify, visua lize and interpret the contained repetitive motions .
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