
Event Extraction from Classical Arabic Texts
Event extraction is one of the most useful and chal lenging Information Extraction (IE) tasks that can be used in
many natural language processing applications in pa rticular semantic search systems. Most of the developed systems in this
field extract events from English texts; therefore, in many other languages in particular Arabic there is a need for research in
this area. In this paper, we develop a system for e xtracting person related events and their participa nts from classical Arabic
texts with complex linguistic structure. The first and most effective step to extract event is the cor rect diagnosis of the event
mention and determining sentences which describe ev ents. Implementation and comparing performance and the use of various
methods can help researchers to choose appropriate method for event extraction based on their conditions and limitations. In
this research, we have implemented three methods in cluding knowledge oriented method (based on a set o f keywords and
rules), data-oriented method (based on Support Vect or Machine (SVM)) and semantic oriented method (bas ed on lexical
chain) to automatically classify sentences as on-ev ent or off eventones. The results indicate that knowledge oriented and
machine learning methods have high precision and re call in event extraction process. The semantic oriented method with
acceptable precision minimizes the linguistic knowl edge requirements of knowledge oriented method and preprocessing
requirements of data oriented method; and also impr oves automatic event extraction process from the raw text. Next step is
developing a modular rule based approach for extrac ting event arguments such as time, place and other participants involved
in independent subtasks.
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