Induction of Co-existing Items Available in Distributed Version Control Systems for Software Development
Software development in Open-Source Software systems (OSS) allow developers to share their code and modify other developers' code. That leads to collaboration in the development. They can either discuss on the items to be developed, including the errors and technical problems that were faced. One popular OSS platform is github which already has a large number of developers and projects. The data residing in the issues part of github is sufficiently large, complex and unstructured. It could be processed to find novel discoveries. This work concentrates on one selected project to be analyzed systematically. Routine Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) steps have been identified to clean the data before applying natural language processing for prioritizing and taking actions for the requirements. In a collaborative environment. Our work uses terms and guides developers for tracking the co-occurrence of the terms used together to help them focus on the important issues.
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