ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Embedding Search for Quranic Texts based on Large Language Models
Mohammed Alqarni
#Semantic search
#quranic texts
#large language models
#GPT 3
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Embedding Search for Quranic Texts based on Large Language Models
Mohammed Alqarni
#Semantic search
#quranic texts
#large language models
#GPT 3
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Translation Rules for English to Hindi Machine Translation System: Homoeopathy Domain
Abstract: Rule based machine translation system embraces a set of grammar rules which are mandatory for the mapping of
#Machine translation
# stemmer
# PoS tagging
# grammar rules
# homoeopathy
# corpus
Utilizing Corpus Statistics for Hindi Word Sense Disambiguation
An Artificial Neural Network Approach for
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute o f Information Technology, Pakistan
#Sentence boundary identification
# feed forwardneura l network
# back propagation learning algorithm
Khalid Nahar1, Husni AlMuhtaseb1, Wasfi AlKhatib1, Moustafa Elshafei1, and Mansour Alghamdi2 1College of Computer Science and Engineering, King F ahd University of
# Phoneme transcription
# data-driven
# speech recogni tion
# network lattices
# arabic speech corpus
Prediction of Part of Speech Tags for Punjabi using Support Vector Machines
Abstract:Part-Of-Speech (POS)tagging is a task of assigning the appropriatePOSor lexical category to each word in a
#POS tagging
#feature set
#machine learning
# tagger
# punjabi
# indian languages
Texts Semantic Similarity Detection Based Graph
Department of Computer Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
#Anaphora resolution
# Arabic language
# corpus annota tion tool
# pronominal anaphora
# lexical anaphora
Ahmad AlTaani and Salah Abu AlRub
#Part-of-speech tagging
# lexical analyzer
# morpholog ical analyzer
# Arabic language processing
Constructing a Lexicon of Arabic-English Named
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, University of Monastir, Tunisia
# named entity translation
# parallel Arabic-English lexicon
# DBpedia
# linked data entities
# parallel corpus
A Novel Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Punjabi Text using SVM
#Sentiment analysis
# subjective lexicon
# punjabi language
# n-gram modeling
# support vector machine
Semantic Similarity based Web Document Classification Using Support Vector Machine
Abstract: With the rapid growth of information on the World Wide Web (WWW), classification of web documents has become
#Document classification
# text mining
# latent semantic indexing
A New Approach for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Abstract: A Named Entity Recognition (NER) plays a noteworthy role in Natural Language Processing (NLP) research, since
#Arabic NE
# machine learning
# web document
# information retrieval
# information extraction
A Web and Software-Based Approach Blending
Matin Abdullah1, Al-Sakib Pathan2, and Imad Al Shaikhli2
# language
# processing
# qur’an
# requirement
# software
# tools
# user
# web-based
Development of a Hindi Named Entity Recognition System without Using Manually Annotated
Abstract: Machine learning based approach for Named Entity Recognition (NER) requires sufficient annotated corpus to
#Natural language processing
# machine learning
# named entity recognition
# resource scarcity
# language transfer
# semi-supervised learning
Evaluating Social Context in Arabic Opinion Mining Mohammed Al-Kabi1, Izzat Alsmadi2, Rawan Khasawneh3, and Heider Wahsheh4 1Computer Science Department, Zarqa University, Jordan 2Computer Science Department, University of New Haven, USA 3Computer Information Systems Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan 4Computer Science Department, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia
balanced benchmark corpus. To accomplish this study ten Arabic lexicons were constructed manually, and a new tool called
#Big data
# social networks
# sentiment analysis
# Arabic text classification
# and analysis
# opinion mining
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