ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Temporal Residual Network Based Multi-Head Attention Model for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
Ramzi Zouari,Dalila Othmen,Houcine Boubaker,Monji Kherallah
#Beta stroke
#skip connection
#vanishing gradient
A Customized Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification of Multispectral Imagery Based on
, Anisha Praisy 1
#Multispectral image
# decision based feature extraction
# particle swam optimization
# global optima
# g-best
Ines Chihi, Afef Abdelkrim, and Mohamed Benrejeb
#Human handwriting process; IMC; the muscular activities; direct and inverse handwriting models; velocity of the pen-tip; RLS algorithm
RNN-LSTM Based Beta-Elliptic Model for Online Handwriting Script Identification
dealing with sequential input data. In this context, the proposed system aims to classify the online handwriting scripts based on
# pseudo
# stroke
# velocity
# beta-elliptic
# recurrent
# dropout
Fall Motion Detection with Fall Severity Level Estimation by Mining Kinect 3D Data Stream
motion detection, a continuous stream of data representing time sequential frames of fifteen body joint positions was obtained
#Kinect 3D data stream
# fall motion detection
# fall severity level estimation
# machine learning
# smart home system
Hybrid Algorithm with Variants for Feed Forward
Abstract: Levenberg-Marquardt back-propagation algorithm, as a Feed forward Neural Network (FNN) training method, has
#Back propagation
# hybrid algorithm
# levenberg-marquardt
# Particle swarm optimization
# variants of PSO algorithm
A MapReduce-based Quick Search Approach on Large Files
Ye-feng Li1, Jia-jin Le2, and Mei Wang2 1College of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University of Technology, China 2College of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University, China
#String search
# mapreduce
# data stream and large file
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