ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Speech-Based Techniques for Emotion Detection in Natural Arabic Audio Files
Ashraf Kaloub,Eltyeb Abed Elgabar
#Emotion detection
#natural language processing
#machine learning
#Arabic language
#acoustic features
Arabic Text Detection on Traffic Panels in Natural Scenes
Houssem Turki,Mohamed Elleuch,Kamal Othman,Monji Kherallah
#Traffic panels
#scene Arabic text detection
#traffic textual information
#Arabic scripts in the wild
#deep learning
Detecting Spam Reviews in Arabic by Deep Learning
Eman Aljadani,Fatmah Assiri,Areej Alshutayri
#Spam reviews
#spam reviews detection
#arabic language
#deep learning
#convolutional neural network
#bidirectional long short-term memory
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Word Embedding as a Semantic Feature Extraction Technique in Arabic Natural Language Processing: An Overview
Ghizlane Bourahouat,Manar Abourezq,Najima Daoudi
#feature extraction
#word embedding
Design and Implementation of a Diacritic Arabic Text-To-Speech System
Aissa Amrouche,Leila Falek,Hocine Teffahi
#Arabic Language
#Speech synthesis
#Unit selection
#Bi-grams model
New Model of Feature Selection based Chaotic Firefly Algorithm for Arabic Text Categorization
Meryeme Hadni,Hassane Hjiaj
#Chaotic method
#firefly algorithm
#arabic text categorization
#feature selection
Exploring the Potential of Schemes in Building NLP
LaTICE Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, Tunisia
The International Arab Journal of Information Techn ology, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 2015
Semantic Boolean Arabic Information Retrieval
# semantic web
# arabic language
# ontology
Abed Ahcène1, 2 and Guerti Mhania1 1Laboratoire Signal et Communications, Ecole Nationa le Polytechnique, Algeria 2Scientific and Technical Research Center for the Development of the Arabic Language, Algeria
#Anaphora resolution
# Arabic language
# corpus annota tion tool
# pronominal anaphora
# lexical anaphora
Ahmad AlTaani and Salah Abu AlRub
#Part-of-speech tagging
# lexical analyzer
# morpholog ical analyzer
# Arabic language processing
Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Zarq a Private University, Jordan
Investigation Arabic Speech Recognition Using CMU Sphinx System
Abstract: In this paper, Arabic was investigated from the spe ech recognition problem point of view. We propose a novel
# Speech recognition
# Arabic language
# HMMs
# CMUSphin x-4
# artificial intelligence
Google N-Gram Viewer does not Include Arabic Corpus! Towards N-Gram Viewer for Arabic
Abstract: Google N-gram viewer is one of those newly published Google services. Google archived or digitized a large
#Arabic language processing
# corpus
# google N-gram viewer
A Machine Learning System for Distinguishing Nominal and Verbal Arabic Sentences
structures than other languages. Thus, it is important to learn about the specialty and the structure of this language to deal
#Arabic language processing; natural language processing; inductive learning
Conditional Arabic Light Stemmer: CondLight Yaser Al-Lahham, Khawlah Matarneh, and Mohammad Hassan
The complexity of the Arabic morphology caused by multimode terms, using diacritics, letters have different forms according
#Arabic IR
#light stemming
#morphological analysis
# affixes’ removal
# term selection
# Arabic document indexing
Building a Syntactic-Semantic Interface for aSemi- Automatically Generated TAG for Arabic
providing information about the correct structural representations of the sentences and their meaning. To date, there is not a
# meta-grammar
# syntax-semantic interface
# semantic frame
# semantic role
# Arabic language
# natural language
# light stemmers
Tunisian Arabic Chat Alphabet Transliteration Using Probabilistic Finite State Transducers
Nadia Karmani, Hsan Soussou, and Adel Alimi
#Tunisian arabic chat alphabet
# tunisian arabic
# transliteration
# aebWordNet
# tunisian arabic morphological analyzer
# weighted finite state transducer
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