ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Curved Text Detection in Scenic Images via Proposal-Free Panoptic Segmentation and Deep Learning
Prachi Chhabra,Ali Abidi
#Deep learning
#image segmentation
#natural scene images
#multi-oriented text
#curved text detection
Analysis of QA System Behavior against Context and Question Changes
Rachid Karra,Abdelali Lasfar
#Adversarial attacks
#data quality
#question answering
Analysis of QA System Behavior against Context and Question Changes
Rachid Karra,Abdelali Lasfar
#Adversarial attacks
#data quality
#question answering
Medical Image Registration and Fusion Using Principal Component Analysis
Meisen Pan,Jianjun Jiang,Fen Zhang,Qiusheng Rong
#image registration
#principal component analysis
#image fusion
Muzzle Classification Using Neural Networks
Ibrahim El-Henawy, Hazem El-bakry, and Hagar El-Hadad
#Muzzle classification
#image processing
#neural networks
BPTI: Bilingual Printed Text Images Dataset for Recognition Purposes
Mohammad Yahia,Husni Al-Muhtaseb
#Optical character recognition
#text images dataset
Convolutional Neural Network Based Hand Gesture Recognition in Sophisticated Background for Humanoid Robot Control
Ali Yildiz,Nurettin Gökhan Adar,Ahmet Mert
#Hand gesture recognition
#human-robot interaction
#robot control
#convolutional neural network
#deep learning
An Adaptive Traffic Lights System using Machine Learning
Mohammad Ashraf Ottom,Ahmad Al-Omari
#Traffic time management
#image processing and objects detection
#vehicles dataset
Nagesh Vadaparthi1, Srinivas Yerramalli2, Suresh Penumatsa3, and Sitharama Poosapati4
An Efficient Traffic Forecasting System Based on Spatial Data and Decision Trees
# Traffic flow
# traffic prediction
# spatial data min ing
# spatial data base
# see5
Generalization of Impulse Noise Removal Hussain Dawood1, Hassan Dawood2, and Ping Guo3 1Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2Department of Software Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan 3Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Laboratory, Beijing Normal University, China
are proposed to increase from four to eight directions to preserve the edges and to identify the noise, effectively. Modified
#Directional weighted median filter
# multi-texton
# impulse noise
# random-valued impulse noise
# salt-and-pepper noise
# noise identification
# modified switching median filter
Using Data Mining for Predicting Cultivable Uncultivated Regions in the Middle East
large areas, while agricultural lands are described as small areas of arable land under perennial grass pastures or crops. In
#Data mining
# image processing
# prediction
# wheat
# alfalfa
Identification of an Efficient Filtering- Segmentation Technique for Automated Counting
Abstract: The counting of fish fingerlings is an important process in determining the accurate consumption of feeds for a
#Digital image processing
# filtering
# segmentation
# image normalization
# threshold
Application of Framelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition to Image Enhancement
Decomposition (SVD) has been proposed. Framelet transform is used to decompose the image into one low frequency subband
#Generalised histogram equalization
# discrete wavelet transform
# framelet Transform
Image Processing in Differential Digital
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology in University of
#CCD/CMOS image sensors
# digital holography
# dust
# holographic optical components
# Image processing
Automatic Screening of Retinal Lesions for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy
Muhammad Sharif1 and Jamal Hussain Shah1,2
# biomarkers
Digital Signature Protocol for Visual Authentication Anirban Goswami1, Ritesh Mukherjee2, Soumit Chowdhury3, and Nabin Ghoshal4 1Department of Information Technology, Techno India, India 2Department of Advanced Signal Processing, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India 3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government College of Engineering and Ceramic
Technology, India 4Department of Engineering and Technological Studies, University of Kalyani, India
# DCT and IDCT
# image compression
# data hiding
# collusion attack
An Automatic Localization of Optic Disc in Low Resolution Retinal Images by Modified Directional
Matched Filter
#Retinal image processing
# dabetic retinopathy
# optic disc
# bood vessels
# modified directional matched filter
A New Approach for Detecting Eosinophils in the Gastrointestinal Tract and Diagnosing Eosinophilic
#Eosinophilic colitis
# eosinophils
# eosinophilic gastroenteritis
# image processing
# digital images
# neural network
Highly Accurate Grey Neural Network Classifier for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Classification Based on Image Processing Approach
Anandh Sam Chandra Bose,Vasuki Ramesh
#Adaptive median filter
#artificial neural network-based segmentation
#gray neural network classifier
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