ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Cyberbullying Detection in Social Networks Using Deep Learning
Hayel Khafajeh
#Cyberbullying detection
#deep learning
#social networks
#convolutional neural networks
#long short-term memory
#bidirectional encoder representations from transformers
Horizontal Sequence Pooling Technique in Convolutional Neural Networks to Optimize Feature Extraction for DNA Sequence Classification
Lilibeth Coronel,Arnel Fajardo,Ruji Medina
#Pooling technique
#convolutional neural network
#feature extraction
#genomic sequence
An Improved Classification Model for English Syntax Error Correction Design of DL Algorithm
Xue Han
#syntax error
#classification model
#neural network
#attention mechanism
CANBLWO: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Semantic Text Generation
Abhishek Kumar Pandey,Sanjiban Sekhar Roy
#Natural language processing
#natural language generation
#neural network
#convolutional attention network
#whale optimization algorithm
#large language model
FPGA based Flexible Implementation of Light Weight Inference on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Shefa Dawwd
#Standard convolution
#depthwise separable convolution
#deep convolutional neural networks
FD Technology for HSs based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
Jun Wang,Yuanxi Wang
#hydrogen gas
#pattern recognition
FD Technology for HSs based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
Jun Wang,Yuanxi Wang
#hydrogen gas
#pattern recognition
ERDAP: A Novel Method of Event Relation Data Augmentation Based on Relation Prediction
Ruijuan Hu,Haiyan Liu,Wentao Yu
#Relation prediction
#event relation
#data augmentation
#graph convolutional networks
#causality extraction
Muzzle Classification Using Neural Networks
Ibrahim El-Henawy, Hazem El-bakry, and Hagar El-Hadad
#Muzzle classification
#image processing
#neural networks
Computational Intelligence Based Point of Interest Detection by Video Surveillance Implementations
Emre Tercan,Serkan Tapkın,Furkan Küçük,Ali Demirtaş,Ahmet Özbayoğlu,Abdussamet Türker
#Point of interest detection
#YOLO algorithm
#deep learning
RoboGuard: Enhancing Robotic System Security with Ensemble Learning
Ali Al Maqousi,Mohammad Alauthman
#Robotic systems
#malware detection
#machine learning
#ensemble learning
#synthetic minority over-sampling technique
Machine Learning Models for Statistical Analysis
Marko Grebovic,Luka Filipovic,Ivana Katnic,Milica Vukotic,Tomo Popovic
#Machine learning
#artificial neural networks
#statistical models
#accuracy measures
A Comparative Study of Different Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models and Custom CNN for Pancreatic Tumor Detection
Muhammed Talha Zavalsız,Sleiman Alhajj,Kashfia Sailunaz,Tansel Ozyer,Reda Alhajj
#Deep learning
#medical image
#pancreatic tumor detection
#convolutional neural networks
#pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Estimation Model for Enhanced Predictive Object Point Metric in OO Software Size Estimation Using Deep Learning
Vijay Yadav,Raghuraj Singh,Vibhash Yadav
#Effort estimation
#functional size measurement
#object orientation predictive object point
#software metrics
#software measurement
Human Facial Emotion Recognition using Deep Neural Networks
Benisha S,Mirnalinee TT
#Neural Network
#deep neural networks
#facial expression
#emotion recognition system
An Adaptive Traffic Lights System using Machine Learning
Mohammad Ashraf Ottom,Ahmad Al-Omari
#Traffic time management
#image processing and objects detection
#vehicles dataset
A Software Tool for Automatic Generation of Neural Hardware
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute and Comp etence Centre for Exact Sciences and Engineering,
# Artificial neural networks
# feedforward neural netw orks
# system generator
# matlab
# xilinx
# simulink
# integrated software environment
Efficient Segmentation of Arabic Handwritten
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
#Arabic handwriting
# character segmentation and structural features
Forecasting of Chaotic Time Series Using RBF
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Arab American University, Palestine
#Time series forecasting
# RBF neural networks
# genetic algorithms
# hybrid approach
Audiovisual Speaker Identification Based on Lip and Speech Modalities
Abstract: In this article, we pre sent a bimodal speaker identification method, which integrates both acoustic and visual
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