A Novel Energy Efficient Harvesting Technique for SDWSN using RF Transmitters with MISO Beamforming
Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks (SDWSN) is emerged to overcome the additional energy consumption in WSN. Even then the sensor nodes in the SDWSN suffer from scarce battery resources. Generally, the Radio Frequency (RF) transmitters are deployed around the base station in the SDWSN to overcome the high energy consumption problem. To enhance harvesting energy and coverage of nodes in the network, a new energy harvesting technique using RF transmitters with Multiple Input and Single Output (MISO) beamforming is proposed. In this method, multiple antenna RF transmitters and single antenna sensor nodes are deployed. The optimization problem subject to Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and energy harvesting constraints is formulated for hybrid beamforming design to reduce the transmit power in the network. The optimization problem based on convex Second Order Cone Programming (SOCP) is derived to get the optimal solution for hybrid beamforming design. The beamforming technique is used to steer the beam in the desired direction and null to the other direction improves the energy harvesting. The simulation results show that the proposed technique provides better average harvesting energy, average transmit power, average residual energy and throughput than the existing RF transmitter based energy harvesting methods.
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