
Multi-Agents Collaboration in Open System
Share constrained resources, accomplish complex tasks and achieve shared or individual goals are examples
requiring collaboration between agents in multi-agent systems. The collaboration necessitates an effective team composed of a
set of agents that do not have conflicting goals and express their willingness to cooperate. In such a team, the complex task is
split into simple tasks, and each agent performs its assigned task to contribute to the fulfilment of the complex task.
Nevertheless, team formation is challenging, especially in an open system that consists of self-interested agents performing
tasks to achieve several simultaneous goals, usually clashing, by sharing constrained resources. The clashing goals obstruct
the collaboration's success since the self-interested agent prefers its individual goals to the team’s shared goal. In open
systems, the collaboration team construction process is impacted by the Multi-Agent System (MAS) model, the collaboration’s
target, and dependencies between agents’ goals. This study investigates how to allow agents to build collaborative teams to
realize a set of goals concurrently in open systems with constrained resources. This paper proposes a fully distributed
approach to model the Collaborative Team Construction Model (CTCM). CTCM modifies the social reasoning model to allow
agents to achieve their individual and shared goals concurrently by sharing resources in an open MAS by constructing
collaborative teams. Each agent shares partial information (to preserve privacy) and models its goal relationships. The
proposed team construction approach supports a distributed decision-making process. In CTCM, the agent adapts its self-
interest level and adjusts its willingness to form an effective collaborative team.
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