
Optimal Dual Cameras Setup for Motion Recognition in Salat Activity
Motion recognition has received significant attention in recent years in the area of computer vision since it has a
wide range of potential application that can be developed. A wide variety of algorithms and techniques were proposed in the
context of developing human motion recognition systems. This paper investigated optimal dual sensors setup in motion
recognition for salat activity by using multisensor which has remained unexplored. Existing works in the related field are able
to recognise few salat movements, but not from the multisensor perspective which is important for better recognition and
analytic results. This research proposed a solution that is relevant to the current scenario where we deal with one of the
fundamental activities required for every Muslim which is salat. Not only carrying out salat with the right actions will help
strengthen our relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Taʿala (SWT), but also enable the formation of a positive personality,
mental well-being, and physical health. Firstly, this research identified the best position setup of a dual sensor. Then, Hidden
Markov Model was used to classify all movements in salat activity and the data were trained before the testing phase. This
study led to a new way of learning for salat activity which can be further explored and developed. This research contributed a
new way of learning by incorporating new interaction in human-computer interaction. The outcome of this research will be
very useful in validating the salat movements of every Muslim.
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