
Intelligent Approach for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
In wireless sensor networks, one of most important issues is data collection from sensors to sink. Many researchers
employ a mathematical formula to select the next fo rwarding node in the network%wide manner. We are mo tivated that
surrounding environments for nodes are different in time and space. Because different situations of nodes are not considered
for selecting the next forwarding node, the perform ance of data collection is degraded. In this paper, we present an intelligent
approach for data collection in sensor networks. We model a nonlinear cost function for determining the next forwarder
according to the input types whether inputs are cor related or uncorrelated for generating the output of the function. In our
method, the correlated inputs are presented in a we ighted sum with the dependent fashion but the uncou pled inputs with an
independent fashion in the nonlinear function. The weights in the functions are determined to the direction in which the
reliability of data collection maximizes. In the ex perimental section, we show that our method outperf orms other conventional
methods with respect to the efficiency in data coll ection from sensors to sink.
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