
Classification of Acute Leukaemia Cells using Multilayer Perceptron and Simplified Fuzzy
Leukaemia is a cancer of blood that causes more dea th than any other cancers among children and young adults
under the age of 20. This disease can be cured if i t is detected and treated at the early stage. Based on this argument, the
requirement for fast analysis of blood cells for le ukaemia is of paramount importance in the healthcar e industry. This paper
presents the classification of White Blood Cells (W BC) inside the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) and Acute
Myelogenous Leukaemia blood samples by using the Mu ltilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP (SFAM)
neural networks. Here, the WBC will be classified a s lymphoblast, myeloblast and normal cell for the purpose of
categorization of acute leukaemia types. Two differ ent training algorithms namely Levenberg3Marquardt and Bayesian
Regulation algorithms have been employed to train t he MLP network. There are a total of 42 input features that consist of the
size, shape and colour based features, have been ex tracted from the segmented WBCs, and used as the ne ural network inputs
for the classification process. The classification results indicating that all networks have produced good classification
performance for the overall proposed features. Howe ver, the MLP network trained by Bayesian Regulation algorithm has
produced the best classification performance with t esting accuracy of 95.70% for the overall proposed features. Thus, the
results significantly demonstrate the suitability o f the proposed features and classification using ML P and SFAM networks for
classifying the acute leukaemia cells in blood samp le.
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