
A Group based Fault Tolerant Scheduling
Desktop grid is an exciting discipline for high thr oughput applications but due to inherent resource v olatility,
desktop grids are not feasible for short lived appl ications that require rapid turnaround time. Efficient and more
knowledgeable resource selection mechanism can make it possible. In this paper, we propose a group based resource
scheduling mechanism. The groups are made by using three measures: Collective impact of CPU and RAM, spot checking and
task completion history. We evaluated the proposed mechanism over a network of 900 nodes having varied resources and
behavior and found that excluding desktop resources on the basis of just clock rates is not a good idea and RAM should also,
be considered as a collective parameter besides spo t checking and task completion history. We also, show that the appropriate
scheduling mechanisms can only be implemented after the grouping of resources on computing strength and behavior. The
proposed mechanism ensures that tasks are allocated to hosts with higher probability of tasks completion that reduces tasks
failures and improves fault tolerance.
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