
A Technique for Burning Area Identification Using IHS Transformation and Image Segmentation
In this paper, we have designed and developed a tec hnique for burning area identification using Intensity Hue
Saturation (IHS) transformation and image segmentat ion. The process of identifying the burnt area in proposed technique
consists of four steps such as: IHS transformation, object segmentation, identification of smoke area using Feed-Forward
Neural Network (FFNN) and discovering burning areas from the smoke segments. Here, satellite image collected from NASA
is utilized for the experimental study of the propo sed research. The images obtained from the NASA is given to HIS
transformation that convert the RGB image into inte nsity, hue, saturation transformed image so that, this process is suitable
for segmentation process. After the transformation of image, object segmentation technique is done bas ed on K-means
clustering algorithm. Subsequently, FFNN is used fo r identification of smoke area from the segments. After identifying the
smoke segment, the burning area is identified throu gh directional analysis. The proposed burnt area id entification technique is
analyzed with the help of sensitivity, specificity and the accuracy. Finally, experimental results say that, the proposed
technique is achieved the overall accuracy 2.6%, wh ich is better than the existing approach.
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