ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Application of Decomposition Expression in Digital Video Object Segmentation
Jianfu Kong
#Video object segmentation
#deep learning
#decomposing expression
#bottleneck operator
#foreground segmentation
A Novel Space-Efficient Method for Detecting Network-Wide Heavy Hitters in Software-Defined Networking Using P4-Switch
Ali Alhaj,Wilson Bhukya,Rajendra Lal
#Software-defined networking security
#heavy-hitter detection
#P4 switch
#network monitoring
Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Enhancing Session-Based Recommendations by Fusing Candidate Items
Yingjuan Sun,Wanhua Li,Jingqi Xing,Bangzuo Zhang,Dongbing Pu,Qian Liu,Yinghui Sun
#Recommendation systems
#session-based recommendation
#graph neural network
#attention mechanism
Tamil Lang TSP: Tamil Lang Transformer Neural Text to Sign Production
Thillai Sivakavi S,Minu R I
#Sign language production
#Roberta morpho syntactic analysis
#sign language production network
Semi-Supervised Kernel Discriminative Low-Rank Ridge Regression for Data Classification
Qi Zhu,Yong Peng
#Discriminative subspace
#low-rank regression
#kernel space
#ridge regression
#semi-supervised classification
Image Encryption Using Modified Perturbed Logistic Map
Subhashini Kumaran,Amutha Ramachandran
#Improved zig zag transformation
#image encryption
#DNA operations
#modified perturbed logistic map
#quaternary DNA encoding
A Novel Crossover based Discrete Artificial Algae Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem
Refik Nureddin,Ismail Koc,Sait Ali Uymaz
#Artificial algae algorithm
#traveling salesman problem
#crossover operator
#transformation operators
#discrete optimization
An Improved Classification Model for English Syntax Error Correction Design of DL Algorithm
Xue Han
#syntax error
#classification model
#neural network
#attention mechanism
Arabic Text Detection on Traffic Panels in Natural Scenes
Houssem Turki,Mohamed Elleuch,Kamal Othman,Monji Kherallah
#Traffic panels
#scene Arabic text detection
#traffic textual information
#Arabic scripts in the wild
#deep learning
Gesture Recognition Technology of VR Piano Playing Teaching Game based on Hidden Markov Model
Min Zeng
#piano performance
#gesture recognition
#VR technology
The Strategy of Discriminating False Comments on the Internet by Fusing Probabilistic Topic and Word Vector Models
Fei Long
#Probabilistic topics
#word vectors
#online reviews
#false detection
Dynamic Healing Process Analysis: Image Morphing with Warping Technique for Nose and Esophagus Studies
Muhammad Siddiqi,Yousef Alhwaiti,Said Elaiwat,Marwan Abu-Zanona
#Computer vision
#image morphing
#face matching
#forward algorithm
#backward algorithm
Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
An Anomaly Detection Method for Weighted Data Based on Feature Association Analysis
Jiayao Li,Rui Wang
#Anomaly detection
#feature association analysis
#weighted data
Saliency Detection for Content Aware Computer Vision Applications
Manipoonchelvi Pandivalavan,Muneeswaran Karuppiah
#Content aware processing
#saliency detection
#computational visual attention
Medical Image Registration and Fusion Using Principal Component Analysis
Meisen Pan,Jianjun Jiang,Fen Zhang,Qiusheng Rong
#image registration
#principal component analysis
#image fusion
Fuzzy Modeling for Handwritten Arabic Numeral Recognition
Dhiaa Musleh,Khaldoun Halawani,Sabri Mahmoud
#Automatic fuzzy modeling
#arabic online digit recognition
#directional features
#online digits structural features
A Bi-Level Text Classification Approach for SMS Spam Filtering and Identifying Priority Messages
Naresh Kumar Nagwani
#SMS spam
#priority sms
#important sms
#sms spam filtering
#bi-level binary classification
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