ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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A Flexible Algorithm Design of Spatial Scalability for Real-time Surveillance Applications
Zhe Zheng,Jinghua Liu,Darui Sun,Jinghui Lu,Song Qiu,Yanwei Xiong,Rui Liu,Wenpeng Cu
#Video compression
#video transmission
#scalable coding
#inter-layer reference
#image rescaling
#reference picture management
Image Compression based on Iteration-Free Fractal and using Fuzzy Clustering on DCT Coefficients
Sobia Mahalingam,Valarmathi Lakshapalam,Saranya Ekabaram
#Fractal image compression
#fuzzy clustering
#DCT coefficients
#contractive affine transformation
A New Way of Accelerating Web by Compressing Data with Back Reference-Prefer Geflochtener
Kushwaha Singh,Challa Krishna,and Saini Kumar
#Backward references
#shortest path technique
#iterative compression
#LZSS and LZ77
A Robot Path Planning Method Based on Synergy Behavior of Cockroach Colony
Le Cheng,Lyu Chang,Yanhong Song,Haibo Wang,Yuetang Bian
#Cooperative learning
#robot path planning
#fibonacci transformation
#controlling parameters
#path compression technique
A Novel Codebook Generation by Smart Fruit Fly Algorithm based on Exponential Flight
Ilker Kilic
#Metaheuristic optimization technique
#fruit fly algorithm
#image compression
#codebook generation
Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Motion Vector Estimation
Suvojit Acharjee,Sheli Sinha Chaudhuri
#Block matching algorithm
#motion estimation
#cuckoo search
#video compression
Pairwise Sequence Alignment using Bio-Database Compression by Improved Fine Tuned Enhanced Suffix Array
#Image capture
# image store
# image compression
# join t photographic experts group
# compression rat io
# CMOS image sensor
# VLSI implementation
Speed up of Reindexing in Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
TMP Rajkumar1 and Mrityunjaya Latte2 1Research Scholar, Anjuman Engineering College, Indi a 2Principal, JSS Academy of Technical Education, India
# Image compression
# fractal image compress ion
# MRI images
# iterated functions systems
KP-TrieAlgorithmfor Update and Search Operations
Abstract:Radix-Tree is a space optimized data structure that performs data compression by means of cluster nodes that share
# radix tree
# data structure
# branch factor
# indexing
# tree structure
# information retrieval
Mohammad Ali and Minhaj Ahmad Khan
Hyperspectral Image Compression Based on DWT
and Technology, India
Enhancing the Optimal Robust Watermarking
Ke Yan1, Hong Zhu1, and Kevin Lü2 1School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China 2College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, Brunel University, UK
Department of Electronics and Communication Engine ering, PSG College of Technology, India.
# wavelet
Department of Electronics and Communication Enginee ring, PSG College of Technology, India.
# videocompression
#entrop ycoding
Communication Parallelization Strategy for Fractal
# Load balancing
# task partitioning
# parallelization
# fractal image compression
in Wireless Sensor Networks
#Wireless sensor networks; compression
# routing
# en ergy efficiency
# lifetime
# shortest path Received December 14
# 2007; accepted March 12
# 2008 1
# Digital watermarking
# scene change analysis
# geomet ric attacks
# information security
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