ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Improved Collaborative Filtering Recommender System Based on Hybrid Similarity Measures
Mohamed Abdi,George Okeyo,Ronald Mwangi
#Recommender systems
#collaborative filtering
#similarity measure
#Adjusted Triangle similarity
#Jaccard similarity
#user rating preference behavior
Application of Video Game Algorithm Based on Deep Q-Network Learning in Music Rhythm Teaching
Shilian Zhang,Zheng Huang,Yalin Lang
#DQN network learning
#video game algorithms
#the rhythm of music
#teaching practice
Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Robust Image Watermarking using DWT, DCT, and PSO with CNN-Based Attack Evaluation
Mohammad Alia,Adnan Hnaif,Aseel Alrawashdeh,Yousef Jaradat,Mohammad Masoud,Ahmad Manasrah,Ahmad AlShanty
#Particle swarm optimization
#discrete wavelet transform
#discrete cosine transform
#denosing network
#additive white gaussian noise
#peak signal-to-noise ratio
#normalized correlation coefficient
English-Chinese Bilingual Teaching: A DECTMT-NBO-DMSFNN Approach for Design and Application of Machine Translation Technology
Yuwei Wang
Disease Prognosis of Fetal Heart’s Four-Chamber and Blood Vessels in Ultrasound Images Using CNN Incorporated VGG 16 and Enhanced DRNN
Someshwaran Gunasekaran,Sarada Vivekasaran
#Fetal heart disease
#ultrasound images
#augmented wiener filter
#median modified wiener filter
#region of interest
#convolutional neural network
#visual geometry group 16
#deep recurrent neural network
Using Deep Learning for Profitable Concrete Forecasting Methods
Ayat Al-Hinawi,Radwan Alelaimat
#Concrete performance prediction
#machine learning
#deep learning
#construction management
3D VAE Video Prediction Model with Kullback Leibler Loss Enhancement
Zahraa Al Mokhtar,Shefa Dawwd
#3D sampling stage
#kullback leibler loss
#temporal 3D sampling stage
#three dimensional RNN layers
#variational autoencoder
Curved Text Detection in Scenic Images via Proposal-Free Panoptic Segmentation and Deep Learning
Prachi Chhabra,Ali Abidi
#Deep learning
#image segmentation
#natural scene images
#multi-oriented text
#curved text detection
Arabic Text Detection on Traffic Panels in Natural Scenes
Houssem Turki,Mohamed Elleuch,Kamal Othman,Monji Kherallah
#Traffic panels
#scene Arabic text detection
#traffic textual information
#Arabic scripts in the wild
#deep learning
A Novel Adaptive ANC Algorithm for Removal of Background Noise in Speech Applications
Vinothkumar.G,Manoj Kumar.D
#speech enhancement
#background noise cancellation
Analyzing Sentiments using Optimized Novel Ensemble Fuzzy and DL based Approach with Efficient Feature Selection and Extraction Models
Potu Bharath,Dasari Venkata Lakshmi
#Sentiment analysis
#deep convolutional fuzzy neural network
#multilayer stacked bidirectional LSTM neural network inception-ResNet-V2
#enhanced reptile search algorithm
#Al-Biruni earth radius optimization algorithm
From Neutrosophic Soft Set to Effective Neutrosophic Soft Set Generalizations and Applications
Sumyyah Al-Hijjawi,Abd Ghafur Ahmad,Shawkat Alkhazaleh
#Soft set
#neutrosophic soft set
#effective set
#effective fuzzy soft set
#effective neutrosophic soft set
Dynamic Healing Process Analysis: Image Morphing with Warping Technique for Nose and Esophagus Studies
Muhammad Siddiqi,Yousef Alhwaiti,Said Elaiwat,Marwan Abu-Zanona
#Computer vision
#image morphing
#face matching
#forward algorithm
#backward algorithm
FPGA based Flexible Implementation of Light Weight Inference on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Shefa Dawwd
#Standard convolution
#depthwise separable convolution
#deep convolutional neural networks
The Coupling of a Multiplicative Group and the Theory of Chaos in the Encryptions of Images
Fouzia Elazzaby,Nabil Elakkad,Khalid Sabour
#Image encryption
#multiplicative group
#map 2D-SLMM
Classification of Breast Cancer using Ensemble Filter Feature Selection with Triplet Attention Based Efficient Net Classifier
Bangalore Nagaraj Madhukar,Shivanandamurthy Hiremath Bharathi,Matta Polnaya Ashwin
#Breast cancer classification
#histopathology image
#ensemble filter feature selection
#triplet attention based EfficientNet
Deep Learning Based Feature Discriminability Boosted Concurrent Metal Surface Defect Detection System Using YOLOv-5s-FRN
Reshma Vengaloor,Roopa Muralidhar
#defect detection
#deep learning
#FRN structure
A Bi-Level Text Classification Approach for SMS Spam Filtering and Identifying Priority Messages
Naresh Kumar Nagwani
#SMS spam
#priority sms
#important sms
#sms spam filtering
#bi-level binary classification
Muzzle Classification Using Neural Networks
Ibrahim El-Henawy, Hazem El-bakry, and Hagar El-Hadad
#Muzzle classification
#image processing
#neural networks
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