ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Enhancing Security in Cloud-Based VM Migration: A Trust-Centric Hybrid Optimization Approach
Gokul Narayanan,Saravanaguru Kannan
#Virtual machine
#migration time
#optimization algorithm
#gorilla-based shuffled shepherd optimization approach
Additive Metric Composition-Based Load Aware Reliable Routing Protocol for Improving the Quality of Service in Industrial Internet of Things
Anitha Dharmalingaswamy,Latha Pitchai
#Neighbor index
#objective function
#residual energy
RPLB:A Replica Placement Algorithm inData Grid with Load Balancing
Abstract:Data gridisaninfrastructurebuilt based on internetwhichfacilitates sharing and management ofgeographically
# load balancing
# data grid
# data replication
A Dynamic Sliding Load Balancing Strategy in Distributed Systems Ahmad Dalal ah
perform a load balancing process. Upon the completion of a given period, the groups are to be rotated by shifting each group
#Load balancing
# distributed systems
# scalability
# message passing
Communication Parallelization Strategy for Fractal
# Load balancing
# task partitioning
# parallelization
# fractal image compression
Fault Tolerance Based Load Balancing Approach
for Web Resources in Cloud Environment
# checkpoint manager
# cloud computing
# checkpointing
# fault index
# high performance computing
Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environments
Sawsan Alshattnawi and Mohammad AL-Marie
#Cloud computing
# load balancing
# metaheuristic optimization
# spider monkeys optimization
# tasks scheduling
Cost-Aware Ant Colony Optimization Based Model
for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
#Scheduling algorithms
# application virtualization
# power
# energy
Software Defined Network: Load Balancing Algorithm Design and Analysis
Senthil Prabakaran1 and Ramalakshmi Ramar2 1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and
# distributed controller
# flow-based algorithm
# traffic pattern based algorithm
# failover
Machine Learning-Based Model for Prediction of Power Consumption in Smart Grid
Shamik Tiwari,Anurag Jain,Kusum Yadav,Rabie Ramadan
#Smart grid
#grid stability
#machine learning
#load balancing
#prediction model
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