ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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A Novel Resource Scheduler for Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Big Data Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithm at Cloud Environment
Aarthee Selvaraj,Prabakaran Rajendran,Kanimozhi Rajangam
#Resource management
#particle swarm optimization
#computer performance
#data analysis
The International Arab Journal of Information Techn ology, Vol. 11, No. 2, March 2014
# quality of service
# priority scheduler
Capacity Enhancement Based on Dynamically
Mohammed Abd-Elnaby, Mohamad Elhadad, and El-Sayed El-Rabaie
# packet scheduling
# PF
# Fairness
Prioritized Heterogeneous Traffic-Oriented Congestion Control Protocol for WSNs
Abstract: Due to the availability of multiple sensing units o n a single radio board of the modern sensor motes, some sensor
# congestion
# inter'queue
# intra'queue
# scheduler
# sensor
ANN Based Execution Time Prediction Model and Assessment of Input Parameters through ISM
Anju Shukla, Shishir Kumar, and Harikesh Singh
#Cloud computing
# neural network
# Prediction model
# Resource selection
Fault Tolerance Based Load Balancing Approach
for Web Resources in Cloud Environment
# checkpoint manager
# cloud computing
# checkpointing
# fault index
# high performance computing
Modelling and Verification of ARINC 653 Hierarchical Preemptive Scheduling
Ning Fu, Lijun Shan, Chenglie Du, Zhiqiang Liu, and Han Peng
# schedulability analysis
# model checking
Reliability-Aware: Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Using Multi-Agent Reinforcement
Learning Algorithm and Neural Fitted Q
#Reinforcement learning
# multi-agent scheduler
# neural fitted Q
# reliability
# cloud computing
# queuing theory
On the Verification by Approximation of Duration Systems
Narjes Berregeb,Riadh Robbana
#duration systems
#formal verification
#real-time scheduler
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