ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Application of Video Game Algorithm Based on Deep Q-Network Learning in Music Rhythm Teaching
Shilian Zhang,Zheng Huang,Yalin Lang
#DQN network learning
#video game algorithms
#the rhythm of music
#teaching practice
Robust Image Watermarking using DWT, DCT, and PSO with CNN-Based Attack Evaluation
Mohammad Alia,Adnan Hnaif,Aseel Alrawashdeh,Yousef Jaradat,Mohammad Masoud,Ahmad Manasrah,Ahmad AlShanty
#Particle swarm optimization
#discrete wavelet transform
#discrete cosine transform
#denosing network
#additive white gaussian noise
#peak signal-to-noise ratio
#normalized correlation coefficient
3D VAE Video Prediction Model with Kullback Leibler Loss Enhancement
Zahraa Al Mokhtar,Shefa Dawwd
#3D sampling stage
#kullback leibler loss
#temporal 3D sampling stage
#three dimensional RNN layers
#variational autoencoder
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Achieving better Resource Utilization by Implementing a High-Performance Intelligent Framework in a Distributed Environment
Srinivasan Narayanasamy,MohanKumar Palanichamy,Selvam Lakshmanan,ArokiaRenjith Jerald
#Computational intelligence
#high-performance computing
#resource utilization
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Achieving better Resource Utilization by Implementing a High-Performance Intelligent Framework in a Distributed Environment
Srinivasan Narayanasamy,MohanKumar Palanichamy,Selvam Lakshmanan,ArokiaRenjith Jerald
#Computational intelligence
#high-performance computing
#resource utilization
A Comprehensive Microservice Extraction Approach Integrating Business Functions and Database Entities
Deepali Bajaj,Anita Goel,Suresh Gupta
#static code analysis
#microservice identification
#software refactoring
#database partitioning
#move method refactoring
Simultaneously Identifying Opinion Targets and Opinion-bearing Words Based on Multi-Features in Chinese Micro-Blog Texts
Quanchao Liu,Heyan Huang,Chong Feng
#Opinion mining
#opinion target identification
#feature-opinion pairs
#sentiment polarity
A New (k, n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme (SISS)
Amitava Nag,Sushanta Biswas,Debasree Sarkar,Partha Sarkar
#complete graph
#spanning tree
#Prüfer sequence
# n) threshold secret image sharing
LWE Based Quantum-Resistant Pseudo-Random Number Generator
Atul Kumar,Arun Mishra
#Learning with errors
#homomorphic function
#pseudo-random number generator
#homomorphic function
#linear feedback shift register
#NIST statistical test suite
Linking Palliative Homecare to the Universal Health Coverage Principles and the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals Using the i* Framework’s Strategic and Social Requirements Modelling, Applied to a Cancer Care Organisation
Yousra Odeh,Dina Tbaishat,Faten F. Kharbat,Omar Shamieh,Mohammed Odeh
#Universal health coverage
#i* framework
#home health care
#palliative care
#goal-oriented modelling
#social requirements modelling
#cancer care process modelling
#cancer care informatics
#cancer care sociotechnical systems
MIRNA: Adaptive 3D Game to Assist Children's Distance Learning Difficulties; Design and Use
Dheya Mustafa,Intisar Ghazi Mustafa,Samah Zriqat,Qutaibah AlThebyan
#Distance learning
#game engine
#3D graphics
#games for learning
Qaisar Abbas1, Irene Fondo´n2, and Emre Celebi3 1College of Computer and Information Sciences, Al Im am Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
Developing a Novel Approach for Content Based
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, India
#Image encryption
# modular addition
# chaotic maps
# l ogistic map
# socek
# grp
# cross
# block cipher
RPLB:A Replica Placement Algorithm inData Grid with Load Balancing
Abstract:Data gridisaninfrastructurebuilt based on internetwhichfacilitates sharing and management ofgeographically
# load balancing
# data grid
# data replication
Metacognitive Awareness Assessment and Introductory Computer Programming Course
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia
#met cognitive
#educational psychology
# introductory computer programming
Face Image Super ResolutionviaAdaptive-Block PCA
and Technology University,China
#face image
# adaptive-block
Iris-Pupil Thickness BasedMethod for Determining Age Groupofa Person
Abstract:Soft biometric attributes such asgender,ethnicityand agecan be determinedfrom theirisimages.Pupil size plays
# feature extraction
# iris aging
# iris pupil ratio
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