ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Protecting Sensitive Images with Improved 6-D Logistic Chaotic Image Steganography
Mandeep Sandhu,Mohammad Ahmed,Mohammad Hussain,Surender Head,Imran Khan
#Image encryption
#logistic chaotic map
Efficient Image Encryption via 2D Logistic Chaos Mapping: Strengthening Security with Pixel-Level Dynamics
Yuebo Wu,Shiwei Chu,Huifang Bao,Duansong Wang,Jian Zhou
#Image encryption algorithm
#chaotic systems
#pixel shifting
#pixel scrambling
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
The Coupling of a Multiplicative Group and the Theory of Chaos in the Encryptions of Images
Fouzia Elazzaby,Nabil Elakkad,Khalid Sabour
#Image encryption
#multiplicative group
#map 2D-SLMM
Evaluation Model of Athletes’ Lower Extremity Training Ability Based on LSTM Algorithm
Yuanyuan Gao,Qiang Qian,Xuefeng Sun,Jiankun An,Yutao Yuan
#Short-term memory network
#lower extremity motor ability
#evaluation model
Blockchain-based Scalable and Secure EHR Data Sharing using Proxy Re-Encryption
Naresh Sammeta,Latha Parthiban
#chaos theory
Evolutionary Computing Model for Finding Breast Cancer Masses using Image Enhancement Procedures with Artificial Intelligent Algorithms
Dhivya Samraj,Kuppuchamy Ramasamy,Muralidharan Karuppusamy
#Image enhancement
#breast cancer
#histogram equalization
#particle swarm optimization
Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI Images Using Integrated Modified PSO Fuzzy Approach
Abstract: An image segmentation technique based on maximum fu zzy entropy is applied for Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain
Qaisar Abbas1, Irene Fondo´n2, and Emre Celebi3 1College of Computer and Information Sciences, Al Im am Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
Speed up of Reindexing in Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
An Innovative Two-Stage Fuzzy kNN-DST
Clustering with Probabilistic Topic Models on
Encryption Quality Measurement of a Proposed
2008 Optimal Fuzzy Clustering in Overlapping Clusters
, Khadija Slaoui 3
#Unsupervised clustering
# cluster validity index
# optimal clusters number
# overlapping clusters
# maximum entropy principle
Detection of Neovascularization in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Fundus Images
Abstract: Neovascularization is a serious visual consequence disease arising from Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR).
#Diabetic retinopathy
# neovascularization
# fuzzy C-means clustering
# compactness classifier
# feature extraction
# neural network
Selective Image Encryption using Singular Value Decomposition and Arnold Transform
volume of digital images. Generally selective cryptosystem encrypts the significant part of the data set while the insignificant
#Arnold transform; confusion-diffusion mechanism; selective image cryptosystem; singular value decomposition
Application of Framelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition to Image Enhancement
Decomposition (SVD) has been proposed. Framelet transform is used to decompose the image into one low frequency subband
#Generalised histogram equalization
# discrete wavelet transform
# framelet Transform
A Hybrid Template Protection Approach using Secure Sketch and ANN for Strong Biometric Key
1Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing (FAW), Johannes Kepler University Linz,
#Biometric cryptography
# biometric template protection
# Secure Sketch
# remaining entropy
Comparison of Dimension Reduction Techniques
Abstract: High dimensional data becomes very common with the rapid growth of data that has been stored in databases or
#High dimensional data
# clustering
# dimensionality reduction
# data mining
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