ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Inventory Optimization Using Data Science Technologies for Supply Chain 4.0
Emna Bouazizi,Ayman Khedr,Sherin Elfaioumy,Mohamed Belal
#Supply chain 4.0
#inventory management
#regression algorithm
3D VAE Video Prediction Model with Kullback Leibler Loss Enhancement
Zahraa Al Mokhtar,Shefa Dawwd
#3D sampling stage
#kullback leibler loss
#temporal 3D sampling stage
#three dimensional RNN layers
#variational autoencoder
A Probabilistic Approach to Building Defect Prediction Model for Platform-based Product Lines
Changkyun Jeon,Neunghoe Kim,Hoh In
#Defect prediction
#defect life cycle
#markov chain
#product line engineering
#software engineering
Machine Learning Models for Statistical Analysis
Marko Grebovic,Luka Filipovic,Ivana Katnic,Milica Vukotic,Tomo Popovic
#Machine learning
#artificial neural networks
#statistical models
#accuracy measures
Abductive Network Ensembles for Improved
Mojeeb Al-Khiaty1, Radwan Abdel-Aal2, and Mahmoud Elish1,3 1Information and Computer Science Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi
# software metrics
# abductive networks
# ensemble classifiers
An Empirical Study to Evaluate the Relationship of Object-Oriented Metrics and Change Proneness
Abstract: Software maintenance deals with changes or modifications which software goes through. Change prediction models
#Change proneness
# empirical validation
# machine learning
# object-oriented and software quality
Enhanced Hybrid Prediction Models for Time Series Prediction
as artificial neural networks are considered to be better for prediction of data with non-linear patterns. In the real-life, time-
#Hybrid model
# adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems
# soft computing
# neural network
# statistical techniques
ANN Based Execution Time Prediction Model and Assessment of Input Parameters through ISM
Anju Shukla, Shishir Kumar, and Harikesh Singh
#Cloud computing
# neural network
# Prediction model
# Resource selection
Default Prediction Model: The Significant Role of
Data Engineering in the Quality of Outcomes
#Default Prediction
# Classification
# Pre-processing
# Prediction
# Features Selection
# Generic Algorithm
# PSO Algorithm
# Naïve Bayes
# Decision Tree
# Random Forest
# Banking
# Risk Management
Machine Learning Based Prediction of Complex Bugs in Source Code
Ishrat-Un-Nisa Uqaili and Syed Nadeem Ahsan
#Software bugs
# software metrics
# machine learning
# fault prediction model
Predicting Student Enrolments and Attrition Patterns in Higher Educational Institutions using
Machine Learning
#Machine learning
# predictive model
# apriori algorithm
# student retention
# enrolment behaviour
# association rule mining
# boosting
# ensemble method
Instagram Post Popularity Trend Analysis and Prediction using Hashtag, Image Assessment, and
User History Features
#Social media
# Instagram
# popularity trend
# machine learning
# prediction model
The Critical Feature Selection Approach using Ensemble Meta-Based Models to Predict Academic Performances
Muhammad Qasim Memon,Yu Lu,Shengquan Yu,Aasma Memon,Abdul Rehman Memon
#Educational data mining
#students' prediction
#machine learning
#ensemble meta-based models
#feature selection
Machine Learning-Based Model for Prediction of Power Consumption in Smart Grid
Shamik Tiwari,Anurag Jain,Kusum Yadav,Rabie Ramadan
#Smart grid
#grid stability
#machine learning
#load balancing
#prediction model
Applying Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) Algorithm in the Cloud Autonomous Vehicles Traffic Model
Dhaya Ramakrishnan,Kanthavel Radhakrishnan
#Cloud computing
#neural network
#prediction model
#resource selection
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