ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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From Neutrosophic Soft Set to Effective Neutrosophic Soft Set Generalizations and Applications
Sumyyah Al-Hijjawi,Abd Ghafur Ahmad,Shawkat Alkhazaleh
#Soft set
#neutrosophic soft set
#effective set
#effective fuzzy soft set
#effective neutrosophic soft set
Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Decision Trees with Feature Selection Method
Alaa Sheta,Walaa El-Ashmawi,Abdelkarim Baareh
#Machine learning
#decision tree
#heart disease
Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
Turning Point Induced Knowledge Forecasting under Uncertainties (TrIK)
Jagtap Vinyak,Kulkarni Parag,Joshi Pallavi
#Time series forecasting
#shoulder area
#turning point
#knowledge discovery
Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
Turning Point Induced Knowledge Forecasting under Uncertainties (TrIK)
Jagtap Vinyak,Kulkarni Parag,Joshi Pallavi
#Time series forecasting
#shoulder area
#turning point
#knowledge discovery
Adaptive Optimizing of Hello Messages in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Essam Natsheh, Adznan Jantan, Sabira Khatun, and Shamala Subramaniam
paths between nodes within a network. Due to nodes mobility, the efficiency of a dynamic ad-hoc routing protocol depends
#Ad-hoc networks
# beacon messages
# fuzzy systems
# intelligent networks
Fuzzy Active Queue Management for Congestion Control in Wireless Ad-Hoc Essam Natsheh, Adznan B. Jantan, Sabira Khatun, and Shamala Subramaniam
powerful cooperation in the network. Every node also has the ability to handle the congestion in its queues during traffic
#Active queue management
# ad-hoc networks
# fuzzy systems
# intelligent networks
# network congestion
Fuzzy Logic based Decision Support System for
Abstract: Software components are imperative parts of a system which play a fundamental role in the overall function of a
#Software component
# component security
# fuzzy logic
Digital Signature Protocol for Visual Authentication Anirban Goswami1, Ritesh Mukherjee2, Soumit Chowdhury3, and Nabin Ghoshal4 1Department of Information Technology, Techno India, India 2Department of Advanced Signal Processing, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India 3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government College of Engineering and Ceramic
Technology, India 4Department of Engineering and Technological Studies, University of Kalyani, India
# DCT and IDCT
# image compression
# data hiding
# collusion attack
Feature Selection Method Based On Statistics of Compound Words for Arabic Text Classification
Aisha Adel, Nazlia Omar, Mohammed Albared, and Adel Al-Shabi
#Feature selection method
# compound words
# arabic text classification
A Novel Feature Selection Method Based on Maximum Likelihood Logistic Regression for
Imbalanced Learning in Software Defect Prediction
#Software defect prediction· Machine learning· Class imbalance· Maximum-likelihood logistic regression
A Bayesian Network-based Uncertainty Modeling (BNUM) to Analyze and Predict Next Optimal Moves in Given Game Scenario
Vinayak Jagtap,Parag Kulkarni
#Bayesian network
#uncertainty modeling
#deep learning
#context graph
#next move
Arabic Handwritten Words Recognition Based on a Planar Hidden Markov Model
#Off-line Arabic handwriting recognition
#planar hidden Markov models
#multiple sources of information
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