
Fault Tolerance Based Load Balancing Approach
Cloud computing consists group of heterogeneous resources scattered around the world connected through the
network. Since high performance computing is strongly interlinked with geographically distributed service to interact with
each other in wide area network, Cloud computing makes the architecture consistent, low-cost, and well-suited with
concurrent services. This paper presents a fault tolerance load balancing technique based on resource load and fault index
value. The proposed technique works in two phases: resource selection and task execution. The resource selection phase
selects the suitable resource for task execution. A resource with least resource load and fault index value is selected for task
execution. Further task execution phase sets checkpoints at various intervals for saving the task state periodically. The
checkpoints are set at various intervals based on resource fault index. When a task is executed on a resource, fault index value
of selected resource is updated accordingly. This reduces the checkpoint overhead by avoiding unnecessary placements of
checkpoints. The proposed model is validated on CloudSim and provides improved performance in terms of response time,
makespan, throughput and checkpoint overhead in comparison to other state-of-the-art methods.
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